16. We're too late aren't we?

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Harry's POV

I crept to the other side of the room trying not to get Simon's attention and tapped Zayn on the shoulder. He looked over at me and I pointed towards my computer where Simon was, hoping that Zayn would get the point; but he just looked up at me confused. Crap! I forgot that he had no idea!

The teacher was too busy reading 50 Shades of Grey to notice me run back out of the room after signalling Zayn to check his phone; my jog turned into a sprint as I ran out of the classroom and as far away from the mess I have made as possible. Soon I was out of the school and in the park, I walked, now exhuasted,  to the tree where we meet in the mornings and leant against the trunk, sliding down, pulling my knees into my chest and my hands covering my eyes as sobs racked my body.

Why did this have to happen? Simon is going to beat me and leave me with no choice but to come out now, to tell my mum, Zayn, Liam and the rest of the school that I am in fact bisexual and I'm scared. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out to find a message from Zayn.

Haz are you ok? I told Mrs Flack that you were sick and we have your bag


 I can't just text him about it - that's not the right thing to do, I have to say it to their faces

Um it's kind of a long story ... can you and Liam come over to mine after school please? 


I breathed shakily as I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and lay back on the grass, deciding to try and relax for the rest of the day before I have to come out to my best friends and my mum. I wish it was as easy as coming out to Louis and I wished that I had asked for his number so I could get his advice on what to do. All that running and emotional stress had made me tired so I decided to stroll home and go to bed, thankful that my mum would be at work until later so I would have time to plan what I was going to say to her.

When I got back to the house, I ran straight up to my room, jumped onto my bed and burrowed into my duvet trying to escape the world and sleep soon overcame me.


"Harry" I heard as someone prodded my sides in an attempt to wake me up. It worked.

I grumbled and sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes before seeing that it was Zayn and Liam who were now sat on my floor looking at me with concern written all over their faces; one of them must have used their spare key to my house to let themselves in and I was now seriously regretting giving them the keys in the first place - I don't want to do this.

"Harry, what's the matter - you just ran off after Simon went on your computer, what happened?" Liam asked as his eyes bore into mine filled with worry and in that moment I realised - they aren't going to think any different of me if they know I'm bi. I mean Liam's gay so it would be a bit hypocritical to hate me and Zayn is the least homophobic person I know, and realising this makes me suddenly feel confident and proud of who I am.

"Simon was reading my messages to Louis" I stated simply.

"But what's so bad about that?" Zayn questions, looking confused.

"Well, I told Louis my biggest secret and now Simon knows it too" I explained and saw the hurt looks in both of their eyes as they realised that I had kept a secret from them but told someone I barely know so I carried on and just told them the truth 

"Guys I'm bisexual"

Louis' POV

When I went offline I was only joking! But when I went back online 5 minutes later and sent him a message he didn't reply even though it said he was online.

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