Chapter 20: He's adorable!

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3rd person POV

Louis knew he was in so much shit when he got home.

“LOUIS WHERE THE BLOODY HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!” Jay had shrieked at him when he walked through the door at gone midnight after Niall had dropped him home. He had sworn under his breath when he saw the lights on downstairs, he had hoped that his mother would have gone to sleep so he could sneak in.

“Uh Cheshire” He answered quietly, crossing his fingers and hoping that she wouldn’t get louder. But she did.


“Mum” He interrupted “I was visiting Harry in the hospital not partying”

His mum looked confused

“Who’s Harry, Louis?”

He took a deep breath and launched into his story

“Well at school we have a project to talk to someone in a school in Cheshire and I ended up with a boy named Harry, but someone found out he was gay today and said they were going to beat him up. So Niall, Perrie and I went up to Cheshire to try and stop it from happening but we were too late”

By this point, fresh tears were threatening to spill over the threshold of Louis’ eyes as he relived the trauma from earlier that evening; his mum sensed his sadness and rubbed his back, encouraging him to continue and get it over with.

“He was rushed to hospital in a coma and h-h-he d-died” He was now openly sobbing as he recalled seeing Harry’s lifeless body.

“B-but he came back to life, don’t ask me how I have no idea, and he had to have major surgery for internal bleeding. I was home late because I waited for him to wake up, if I hadn’t see him awake then I wouldn’t have been able to sleep at night”

“Oh baby” Jay cooed “It’s okay, he’s okay”

“I saw him die mum and it broke my heart”

“Something tells me you are more than internet penpals” His mum said, looking up to catch his eyes with her own, a knowing look on her face “Is he cute?” She asked, trying to ease the tension.

Louis blushed and looked at his feet “Uh…. Yeah”

She grinned “Describe him”

Louis looked up at her and gave a weak smile back, starting to calm down after his little episode a few minutes previously.

“I can show you if you want?” He asked her, surprised she nodded.

He pulled out his phone and opened the photo that he had secretly taken of Harry just before he had left, Harry was sat up slightly in the bed with a cheeky grin and mirth sparkling in his eyes at something Louis had said. He turned the phone so that she could see and she gasped.

“Lou he’s adorable!”

Louis nodded again and his cheeks flushed “Yeah… he really is”

Jay saw the smile that spread over Louis’ face and the tenderness in his eyes that appeared when he looked at the photo, he was smitten and she was happy for him. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, which didn’t go unnoticed by Jay.

“Go get some sleep” She said before kissing his forehead and stroking his cheek lovingly and leaving the room.

Louis’ POV

As I watched my mums retreating figure, I smiled, she wasn’t mad at me and she approved of Harry… I might be getting a bit ahead of myself. But Harry did agree to go on a kind of date with me, so I will have to make sure it is really fun. I trudged up the stairs, and flopped onto my bed my eyes closing instantly and I fell into a deep sleep filled with dreams of a certain curly haired boy.

Harry’s POV

Ever since Louis had left, I had been pouting and sulking in protest. Liam and Zayn tried every tactic to cheer me up, but I just wanted Louis. Today was the first time that we had spoken face to face and he had to leave after about ten minutes, I want to spend more time with him, learn everything there is to know about him. Basically I’m totally in love with the brown haired, blue eyed boy who I barely know. Wonderful.

“C’mon Haz” Liam tried again, his voice now desperate but I just rolled my eyes and huffed.

 “You’ll be out of hospital by Monday so you can see him then”

“How Liam?” I asked “We both have school!”

Zayn snorted from where he was sitting, “Haz we have a bank holiday next week”

“Oh” I feel stupid now.

“So I can see Louis?” I asked excitedly, unable to hide my happiness at the thought; Liam just nodded and Zayn rolled his eyes.

“Oh you can laugh Mr Malik but from what I hear, you were caught playing tonsil tennis with a pretty blonde” I retorted in attempt to change the subject,

It worked because Zayn flushed red and started stammering

“T-That’s Perrie” He said

“Oh, you mean your IM partner? I thought she hated you” Liam asked “Why would she change her mind?”

Zayn explained to us that pertheplatypus and his childhood love Perrie were the same person and Liam let out a very girly squeal of excitement before clapping his hands over his mouth in embarrassment, Zayn took that opportunity to start to tease Liam and I just went back to daydreaming about Louis.

A/N Soooo hi.

I've decided to change the structure a bit and make a Larry chapter, then a Niam chapter and then a Zerrie chapter to make it easier to follow all three stories. Tell me what you think about this idea :)

That means that next chapter will be Niam <3

I'm sorry it took me a while to update but my nan is in hospital and I'm in the middle of my exam season... and I've spent the past few days sobbing due to the 'big announcement'. Well done to whoever plans the dates for putting it in the middle of exam season, brilliant idea that. *Claps sarcastically*

Aaaanywho, I promise I will start updating more regularly again :)

~Boo xoxox

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