13. I'm broken.

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Liam's POV

Yesterday, I had woken up on my sofa and looked around the room confused. Zayn was at my side in an instant making sure I was ok, but whenever I tried to sit up, the pain in my abdomen was too much - causing me to wince and fall back onto the sofa. My jaw ached like hell - Simon has a really strong punch.

I had spent the rest of the day watching TV with Zayn - he was good like that, he knew when to talk and when it was better to just wait for the other person to talk.

Harry had come to visit the moment he finished school, still a bit hysterical to start with but once he saw I was ok, he became his usually jokey self, describing how Zayn wanted to strangle the life out of Simon. He would have to wait since there is a queue of people waiting for that honor already - me included.

That evening, after a lot of eye rolling from Zayn, I managed to convince them to watch all three Toy Story movies and we sat there throwing popcorn at eachother and joking around like normal. But I couldn't help but be a little off; I hadn't mentioned anything to either of them because I didn't want them to worry but I could see that Zayn could see through my false smiles and lies when they asked if I was okay for the hundreth time.

See the thing is, I hated being different. I mean I'm not ashamed to be gay, but I just wished I wasn't because it would make everything a lot easier for me if I was normal. The bruises on my stomach and my face would heal, but I don't know how long it will take for the mental scars from yesterday will heal. Simon had basically told me I didn't deserve to be alive and with that look of hatred in his eyes, it was hard not to believe him.

Towards the end of the third movie, Zayn had obviously decided that there was something wrong with me and kept sending me looks that screamed 'we'll talk about this later' and I couldn't help but be happy that he cared enough to notice but really annoyed that he had - since he knows when I'm lying, which means that I'll have to tell the truth.

That I'm broken.

It was now Thursday morning and Harry and Zayn agreed to meet at my house rather than the park, for my safety. I loved how kind they were being but I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed that they saw me as vulnerable because I don't want that. I'm not.

As I was taking the last bite of my toast, the doorbell rang. I made my way from the kitchen and to the front door, which I opened to reveal a curly haired idiot play fighting with another idiot with a quiff.

"Zayn stahp!" Harry squealed as Zayn dug his fingers into Harry's sides, tickling him.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag, shutting the door behind me before pulling Zayn off of Harry and smacking them both upside the head.

"Oww!" Zayn screeched "what was that for?"

"For being an ass" I replied, glaring slightly as Harry poked his tongue out at Zayn. Beginning another play fight which lasted about 10 minutes as we slowly made our way to school. Once I finally managed to pull Zayn off of Harry, Zayn suddenly turned to Harry

"Hey Haz, did you get Louis to talk to Niall and Perrie yesterday?"

"Yeah" Harry replied simply

What? They had spoken to Niall? What did they tell him? Did he know I was gay now?

The discomfort was clear on my face because Harry then added

"I only said that you weren't in and that you would explain it yourself today" and with that I felt a massive sense of relief.

Because Niall didn't know and I didn't HAVE to tell him. But I probably should. Otherwise it's kind of lying. What do I do? As I was torturing myself by imagining all the different scenarios of me coming out Niall - each ending with him being horrible to me and me crying - I heard Zayn and Harry start to talk about Perrie.

Zayn's POV

"So what's she like?" He asked.

What was she like? Well she was obviously very witty and smart because she always came up with really clever comebacks when I flirted with her. Which was always. And she seemed really funny and kinda sassy.

"Fiesty. I like it" I replied and Harry nodded, because being the designated cheeky flirty guy he was, he knew what I meant

"It's all in the chase" he agreed in his really deep, slow voice which for some reason I suddenly found hilarious.

I burst out laughing which caused Liam and Harry to stop walking and stare at me incredulously - what? can't a guy randomly burst out laughing for no reason? Jeez.

I started thinking about Perrie again, she was so cheeky and funny. Thinking about it, I used to have a friend called Perrie when I lived in Bradford and we were best friends. I never had the chance to tell her I loved her before we moved away and that's why I am the way I am now. Everyone thinks that I'm just some womaniser with not heart or emotions but really my heart belongs to my old best friend - the one with beautiful eyes, a cheeky grin and the ability to make me feel giddy just by looking at me. I know that we were meant to be together and that fate will one day lead us to eachother and I'm just waiting for that day to come.

This Perrie reminds me of the Perrie I used to know, which made me smile.

Liam's POV

This is it. The moment of truth. I sat down in front of the computer in PSMEE and slowly logged on. Scared of what might happen next, I saw that Niall was online and immediately he sent a message

Nandos_Yeabuddy! : hi Liam are you ok???????

Buzzlightyear : hey Ni I'm fine now :)

Shit I was nervous. You can tell because I never swear.

Nandos_Yeabuddy! : Ni? I like it :) you need a new nickname too - maybe Li :P what was it that Harry said you have to tell me?

Oh god what do I do? I really like Niall and I don't want him to hate me, but I don't want to lie. I finally made my difficult decision and started to reply hoping I made the right choice.

Niall's POV

buzzlightyear : ...

He was typing and I willed him to hurry up. For some reason I had been worried all of yesterday about Liam and I just wanted to make sure he was ok.

I was brought back to reality by the little whoosh sound that the computer made to tell me he had replied.

I read what he had written and at the same time as feeling really sad, I could help but break into a massive grin and I really had no idea why.

What is happening to me?

A/N Shit's getting serious now isn't it? ;) CLIFFHANGER AGAIN MWAHAHA

I feel really bad for not updating yesterday but I'm kinda going through some stuff and I wanted to wait until I felt a bit better to write so that it was half decent :)

I cannot describe to you how much I love every single one of you that reads this story. It means a lot to me :) <3

I've decided to have a song for this chapter though it's more for my benefit than the story - it kinda fits Liam a bit - and I LOVE All Time Low <3

Do a barrel roll,

~Boo xoxox

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