7. You can call me sexy ;)

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Louis' POV

I<3pussycats : that's not the only thing that's big ;)

How the hell do I reply to that? I mean I'm openly gay so if they are gay too then I'm down with flirting like crazy. But they probably aren't gay and think that I'm a girl. Better get straight to the point I think

Carrotluver;) : just so we're clear I'm a guy. And I'm gay.

Harry's POV

Well shit. At least that explains his username - with him liking penis and all. Uhhhh I don't know how to reply to this! I bet no one else has had conversations this awkward, why do I have to be so flirty?

But maybe it's good that he's gay because he might be able to help me with my current situation. You see - I have no idea what I'm doing. I know I'm attracted to girls but I'm more attracted to guys too, I have never done stuff with a guy but I want to. So I guess that makes me bi? At least a gay guy won't judge me ... Maybe I could come out to him and he can help me build up the confidence to come out to everyone else.

I take a deep breath before replying

I<3pussycats : I'm a guy too and I'm not so sure about my sexuality

Waiting for his reply was making me anxious ...

Carrotluver;) : ah I see. Want to talk about it? :)

I can't wipe this smile off of my face. Finally, after years of secrets I have someone I can open up to who won't judge me. They don't even know me. I love PSMEE, it might have just saved my life.

Louis' POV

So judging by his reply he's probably bisexual but confused. I feel sorry for the lad, I'm guessing he doesn't have anyone to talk to about it.

Carrotluver;) : ah I see. Want to talk about it? :)

I hope he opens up to me - that's the point of this project.


I<3pussycats : well I like girls ... But I like guys more ... So yeah I'm not sure.

Carrotluver;) : so you think you're bi?

I<3pussycats : I guess so but I haven't done anything with a guy before

Carrotluver;) : but you want to?

I<3pussycats : uh yeah

Hmmm time to make this less awkward.

Carrotluver;) : ok so I'm gay. I have done stuff with guys. If you want to ask me anything then you can but I'm not gonna push you to.

I<3pussycats : thanks :) it means a lot.

For the rest of the hour we just chatted about our families and stuff, pretty basic and quite boring but less intrusive than our previous conversation. Our conversations are quite funny because we are both really flirty and cheeky so basically every sentence has an innuendo or a pick up line in it.

When the bell went, I was sad to say goodbye

Carrotluver;) : our bell just went so I have to go :(

I<3pussycats : ours too :(

Carrotluver;) : guess I'll speak to you tomorrow ... I don't know your name :S

I<3pussycats : the rules are that I can't tell you my name

I bet he has a really cute name. Wait, cute? When did I start describing random boys I barely know as cute?

Carrotluver;) : a nickname then?

I<3pussycats : ok you can call me sexy ;)

Haha funny kid

Carrotluver;) : nah I think I'll call you snowflake. It's more cute and innocent

I<3pussycats : how about no

Carrotluver;) : this argument isn't over... Speak to you tomorrow... Bye snowflake ;)

Harry's POV

Snowflake?!? That's like THE worst nickname ever!!!! I want a different one but it will have to wait until tomorrow.

I logged off and went off to find Liam, who was still in conversation with his partner. I wonder if their conversation was as awkward as ours?

'Hey Li'

He jumped as I said hi. I waited for him to log off and we followed Zayn out of the classroom, making our way to second period. Zayn turned around and said

"So boys ... How was that for you"

"Awkward" me and Liam both spoke at the same time, which caused Zayn to start laughing.

"Well he is really nice but it was awkward to begin with" I explained

"Same here" Liam added nodding at me.

Zayn asked " did you both get guys?"

"Yeah" we said at the same time again. Creepy.

" cool, I got a girl and she sounds hot but my chat up lines aren't working" he said,his brow furrowed in frustration.

"What's wrong Zaynie?" I teased "can't face a challenge?"

He glowered at me

"Just you wait Styles, I will win her with my charms and handsome good looks"

"Sure" I said sceptically "that would work if you has any"

He rolled his eyes and huffed in fake hurt as we turned into the maths room where we had out next lesson. I couldn't wait to speak to carrotluver;) again....


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~ Boo xoxox

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