Chp 8: Badgey

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Ever since the Cerritos found one of the Federation wreckages to collect scraps of it or what's left of it, there's been trouble with the scavengers known as Drookmani.

They scavenge anything that's out in the middle of the space which could be dangerous if they found something so dangerous that they don't even know what they have

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They scavenge anything that's out in the middle of the space which could be dangerous if they found something so dangerous that they don't even know what they have. From what I heard, the Drookmani wants to claim Federation properties, but the captain prefers to reason with them by diplomacy rather than lethal force.

  Personally, I prefer lethal force if the Drookmani doesn't cooperate because all they do is just stealing what isn't theirs. But since I'm an ensign, not my choice, captains' choice. On a bright side, least I get to spend time with my friends like Fletcher and I are trying to beat a new record on the drinking from the replicator.

Rutherford: That's like three cantaloupes worth of purée

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Rutherford: That's like three cantaloupes worth of purée. They could beat the record!

Tendi: They are doing it! You got this YN!

Mariner: Come on, Fletcher, sloop that 'loupe!

3rd POV

Out of nowhere, Mariner trip back and accidentally bumps into Dr T'ana where her face splattered on her nachos cheese.

T'ana: Hey! Do you know how hard it is to get cheese out of fur in a sonic shower!?

Mariner tries to apologize and cools her down but T'ana saw through the ensign.

T'ana: Don't try to butter my bread, ensign. I've heard about you.

Mariner: But I didn't- what?

T'ana: You're a disgrace. You want to goof around? Go work on a Starbase 80.

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