Book 4, Chp 6: Ai worst fear...

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3rd POV


Last week was the most embarrassed, weirdest, and awkwardest moment Tendi and I have ever had in our whole life. Last week the Cerritos went to Ferenginar, home world of ferengis, for the Ferengi leadership to submit a formal application to begin the process of joining the Federation an alliance that could benefit the entire quadrant. But this also could give us any intel on whoever's been attacking ships across the quadrant has disrupted their trade routes.

But the embarrassing part was where Ransom assigned us in a "travel guides" on Ferenginar since hasn't been updated in years. He also needed someone to act as a "married couples" which you know it. Us. Look, I get it, we're couples and we love each other, believe me. But buddy, there is a line where we don't cross until we're both ready for it. I'm just glad we both got out of there before it became a total disaster. Afterwards, we both agreed never to speak of it again as it was really embarrassed with all those pictures they've been taking.

Right now, we're all are in the repair room for Rutherford to test out the grappler on the shuttle he and I made which he wants to test it by using it on the apple where Boimler is holding.

(YN standing next to Tendi

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(YN standing next to Tendi.)

Rutherford: Okay, shuttle grappler test eighty-five.

Boimler: Sorry, why can't the apple be on a crate? Better yet, on YN instead of me?

YN: Hey, I won in rock paper scissors, didn't I?

Rutherford: it's a grappler. It has to be precise. Okay, here we go.

Rutherford takes aim with the grappler. But then I notice where its aiming.

Tendi: You can do it, Ruther-

Before anything could happen, I push Tendi away before Rutherford fired the grappler and it hit me instead of Tendi against the wall where my arm is stuck.

Rutherford: Oh, no!

YN: I'm good.

I manage to get my arm off and snap it back as I wince from the pain.

YN: Hurt, but still alive.

Rutherford: You could have been hurt. What was I thinking? Shuttles don't even need a stupid grappler.

Boimler: Hey, grapplers aren't stupid.

Mariner: Got to agree with Boims. Grapplers are sick. I mean ask YN.

YN: Pretty cool when you don't have a ladder. But dude, it's okay. Really. We can't always expect it to be 100%. Whether from science or engineering.

Tendi: Especially when it doesn't work the way you wanted.

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