Book 4, Chp 7: Rock and Stone

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Mariner arrives at the transportation beam where she meets Boimler.

Mariner: Hey, Boims, what are you doing here?

Boimler: What's up, Mariner? Yeah, I've got a research mission to go on.

Mariner: Really? So do I.

Boimler: Oh, awesome. I feel like, since we got promoted, we never get paired up anymore.

Soon the rest of the friends meet up and they were also surprise.

Mariner: No way! You guys are on the away team, too?

Rutherford: Aah! It's a Beta shift reunion!

YN: Hell yeah!

Mariner: Yes. Oh, it's been too long. This is gonna be great. What's the mish?

Tendi: Researching moss in a cave.

Mariner: What? A cave? No.

Tendi: Yes! It'll be fun.

Mariner: I hate caaaaa-

They were then beam down to the cave.

Mariner: -aaaaves.

Tendi and Rutherford runs off.

YN: Hey, guys. We gotta stick together.

Mariner: Ugh. Stupid cave mission. I feel like I've been in this cave a hundred times.

Boimler: Huh. Caves do all kind of look the same, don't they?

Tendi: Yeah, 'cause they're all made by-

Tendi & Rutherford: soluble minerals!

YN: Still kinda weird though. Its like we've went in a same cave over and over again when you get lost. Heck at this point star fleet should crafts something to mine.

As they went deeper to the cave, they found green moss on one of the stalagmite where Tendi scans it.

Tendi: This moss is even less osmotic than I thought it would be

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Tendi: This moss is even less osmotic than I thought it would be.

Mariner: So thrilling. Yeah, okay, let's hurry it up. Nothing good ever comes from a cave mission.

Rutherford: I like a good cave The flat floors, the weird smell. Cavey.

YN: Oh, don't forget about the glowing worms. That's my favorite part about caves. Good proteins too.

Mariner: What, gross! They're always full of creepy creatures, and sometimes, you get stuck under rubble. It feels like a third of all our missions are in caves.

Boimler: Come on. They're so peaceful, and quiet, and just the right amount of moist.

Ransom: (Through comms.) [Away team, get out of there. We're detecting tremors. Hold tight. Try to get a signal.]

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