Book 3, Chp 3: One Brain, Two Minds

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3rd POV

Its been a stressful week for the Cerritos, the captain accidentally put the mask on which was cursed and possessed her before turning the ship into a temple. After the event, every engineers work through the whole day removing everything as the stressed pressured them. The captain decided to assigned them in spa where they'll be relaxing, including the captain herself.

   It wasn't going well since the engineers were still into fixing and building stuff which got the captain breakpoint until they decided to help her relax. Meanwhile in the Cerritos, Boimler, Mariner, YN, and Tendi race their way to the lottery game but the Delta shift were going there as well. So they did their best to made their way to the lottery until in the end, the Delta got there first.

   It was a stressful week indeed, so they decided to stop and relax for the rest of the day. Rutherford however, was having trouble of sleeping due to his implant acting funny. Right now, the Cerritos are back at Tulgana 4.

Freeman: Captain's log, stardate 58354

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Freeman: Captain's log, stardate 58354.2. The Cerritos is back at Tulgana IV, where we'll be updating the Federation consulate's power systems, a straightforward job which gives us extra time to fill some of our Starfleet quotas.

Mariner: Ugh, the recruitment booth, no!

We see the lower deck friends are in the repair room where they're also having a conversation.

Boimler: Well, someone's got to do it

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Boimler: Well, someone's got to do it.

Mariner: Uh, do they? 'Cause last time I checked, nobody's ever signed up for Starfleet at the recruitment booth.

Tendi: I did.

Mariner: Shh, shh, you're not helping.

Tendi: Sorry.

YN: I don't know. Just because no one signed up last time, doesn't mean the result will be the same for the next.

Mariner: Doubt it.

Boimler: I know it's not super exciting, but it's our assignment. What are you gonna do?

Mariner: Hmm, complain the whole time and make it twice as miserable.

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