Book 5, Chp 9: Save the reality (Finale.)

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Ransom: First officer's log. Having finished repairs at a joint Starfleet-Klingon research station, the Cerritos is enjoying a little downtime.

T'ana: Since we both have the afternoon off, want to play Sexy Treasure Island on the holodeck?

Shaxs: Only if I get to be Long John f-cker.

T'ana: God, I love you.

Meanwhile the lower decks are on a different table which some are working on their own business.

Mariner: Ah, being a lieutenant JG rules. Who knew higher rank came with more freedom to goof around? It's honestly very relaxing.

T'lyn: That was not your attitude when I first arrived. You were more chaotic.

YN: You don't know the half of it.

Mariner: Really? Ah. Don't want to lose my edge. Enjoy that avocado, cadet! (Chuckles.) Still got it.

YN: What are you guys so busy with?

Tendi: Senior science officer stuff.

T'lyn: I am cataloging the corbopple levels of the isometric flangometer.

Tendi: And I'm researching how corbopple emissions affect sleep.

Mariner: C-Corbopple? You're messing with me. That's not real.

Tendi: Half of all bopples are corbed.

T'lyn: It is a foundational element of artificial gravity.

Rutherford groans out of frustration from his work.

Tendi: Rutherford?

Rutherford: I've been trying to fix this stupid old plasma router, which should be easy with my implant, but the Cerritos systems are too old.

YN: What are you talking about? You love the Cerritos.

Tendi: (To the ship.) Don't listen to him, girl. He didn't mean it.

Rutherford: Yes, I did.

Mariner: (Sigh.) Since when does everyone bring work to the bar?

Boimler: I wish I could help you, Rutherford, but there's not a lot of engineering advice on this PADD I stole from alt-dimension me.

YN: You're only checking that PADD out because I'm around.

Mariner: I cannot believe basing your personality on that thing actually worked. That beard looks good. I hate it.

Boimler: I didn't actually crib all that much.

Mariner: Uh-huh. What do you want to drink?

Boimler: Uh, uh, something called a Bramble?

YN: If that's poison, then I ain't helpin'.

Suddenly Boimler got a message from his own PADD. When he reads it, it reveal to be William sending a warning message about their universe is at danger and its up to them to save it. This freaks him out before Mariner arrives.

Mariner: Sorry, the replicator didn't have a code for a Bramb-

Boimler: Holy sh-t, we're all gonna die!

Boimler panic and runs off to warn the captain.

Mariner: What-what the hell? Boims, wait up! What are we screaming about?

Mariner follows him while the rest were just watching.

Tendi: Is it just me, or is Boimler always freaking out about some PADD?

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