Book 2, Chp 4: Trash day

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When the Cerritos completed the mission of the Mugato situation in an different planet. They were assigned to escord a Doopler emissary who race has the ability to duplicate by emotional defense against any predators. Their mission is to escort him ro Starbase 25 for trade negotiations in and exchange for the Command Conference party. At first, it was difficult from keeping the Doopler together but manage to keep everything stable.

Unfortunately though, the bridge crew aren't allowed to visit the party since they're Cali class federation. However, thanks to the lower deck friends, they found something better. They found an old bar where Kirk and Spock have been long time ago and they have a party together.

Freeman: Captain's log, stardate 58105.1. The Pakleds continue their unprovoked attacks on Federation trade routes. Seeking a cease-fire, the Cerritos is on a diplomatic mission to the Pakled homeworld, which they call Pakled Planet. Starfleet Command entrusted me with this mission because of our experience with the Pakleds last year.

We see the captain and the security chief are heading to transportation beam.

Freeman: Negotiating a cease-fire would be a huge achievement.

Shaxs: If you keep doing Picard-level peace-brokering like this, they might give you an Enterprise.

Freeman: Well, I don't know about that. Remember, it's just the Pakleds. This shouldn't be too complicated.

They were both then transported to the Pakleds planet where they meet the ambassador

Freeman:  Ambassador Grubdin.

Ambassador: Welcome, Captain Janeway. Pakled Planet is big and strong.

Freeman: Right. Well, I'm actually Captain Freeman of the Cerritos. I'm here to discuss a cease-fire.

Ambassador: Oh, I was misinformed. I do not have a big enough helmet to make cease-fires.

Freeman: Okay. Well, then I need to talk
to someone with a bigger helmet.

Suddenly they see another pakled running towards them while yelling.

Shaxs: Stay back.

The pakled then stops and catches his breath before speaking.

Pakled: Guys, the prisoner Rumdar

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Pakled: Guys, the prisoner Rumdar. He ran away from Pakled Planet to her ship.

Ambassador: You! Why did you steal Rumdar?

Freeman: I can assure you, we did no such thing. (Through comms.) Ransom, is there a Pakled on my ship?

Ransom: [That's an affirmative, Captain. We think he's requesting asylum.]

Ambassador: No! Until she gives Rumdar back, Janeway stays here!

Meanwhile in the Cerritos, we the lower deck friends are having a lunch together.

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