Space....the final frontier- Oh what the heck, I'll cut it short. YN has join the USS Cerritos as a ensin security and who is in the lower decks with his friends. However, many think he's a human, but none know his race is something that even the Bo...
After captain Freeman name was finally cleared, everything went back to normal. Sorta. Since Mariner caused a lot of trouble, the captain can no longer give her excuses. So now she'll be following Ransom orders from now on. Things hasn't been smooth but it did took time. Right now, the Cerritos arrive to the planet where the outposts scientists are.
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Freeman: Captain's log, stardate 58256.2. Jengus IV is a remote planet which was believed to be uninhabited until indigenous silicate creatures, called the Scrubble, started turning Federation scientists into statues. Captain Murakami of the USS Hood answered the distress call and brokered tentative peace. With the conflict resolved, the Cerritos and the Carlsbad are coordinating to relocate the outpost.
Ransom: Once again, we're cleaning up a mess for a bunch of outpost scientists. You know why these guys are always getting eaten, disappearing, or getting eggs laid in their chest?
Mariner: 'Cause they're working on the frontier?
Ransom: Because they're weirdos. You want to explore space? Join Starfleet, go to the Academy. But no, that's too much effort. They just got to get their degrees in studying spores or whatever, then head off into the quadrant and get devoured by a plant!
Marinee: Is this a mission briefing or a stand-up routine?
Steven: Oh, no, no. His stand-up's more a raw, unfiltered take on dating and mating.
Ransom: Anyway, now that the Scrubble and the scientists have agreed not to attack each other, it's our job to set up a new base and remove these.
He shows them the green orb on screen.
Ransom: Psychic mines they read your thoughts, and bring your fantasies to life, then turn you to stone. Be careful down there. Captain wants us to look good in front of the Carlsbad crew. Cali-class gets real gossipy.
Mariner: Glad to see that our priorities are in the right place.
Ransom: Just follow Stevens's orders like they were coming from me.
Steven: Because we're best friends, and we share a sacred bond.
Ransom: Dismissed.
Mariner leaves the room.
Ransom: You have to stop saying that we have a sacred bond.
Steven: I feel it, sir, and I know you do, too.
Mariner meets up with her friends to go down to the surface and they run into Tendi.
YN: Hey, Tendi, we're gonna heading down to the planet, to move a bunch of rocks.
Tendi: That's so cool. Wish I could join, but, I'm starting my senior science officer training today.
Mariner: Whoa, look at you, getting all bridge-ready.