Book 3, Chp 1: Risk it or not

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(Stop at 0:59)

Mariner screams as she threw an object at the screen. Having enough of hearing the news before her dad speaks.

Admiral: Beckett! Screens can just be turned off, you know

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Admiral: Beckett! Screens can just be turned off, you know.

Mariner: I can't take this anymore. Everyone's acting like the trial's already over, when there is no way that Mom did anything wrong.

Admiral: Look, you and I both know that, and plenty of people in the courtroom know it, too. You just need to be patient and trust in the system.

Mariner: Oh, you mean the same system that's now putting her on trial? Oh, yeah, yeah, I frickin' love the system.

Mariner was about to through another plant but her dad stops her.

Admiral: Ah, ah, ah. Hey, hey, hey, hey, why don't you go out for bit? We don't get home that often. You can maybe go for a walk, breathe some non-recycled air.

Mariner: (Scoffs.) Home for you. I didn't grow up here.

Admiral: I just meant Earth. It's rare that you get back here.

Mariner: Ugh, the longer I'm off a ship, the more useless I feel. Like that. Like that big, dumb red thing.

Admiral: Beckett, you know that's the Golden Gate Bridge.

Mariner: Nobody drives anymore. Why do you need a bridge? This planet's wack.

Admiral: People like the bridge. I like the bridge.

Just then, someone's calling from the admirals desk. He answers it to meet another admiral.

Admiral: Ah, Admiral Buenamigo

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Admiral: Ah, Admiral Buenamigo.

Buenamigo: Alonzo. I am afraid I'm the bearer of bad news.

Mariner: What? What-What's the news? Oh, hey, Uncle Les.

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