Space....the final frontier- Oh what the heck, I'll cut it short. YN has join the USS Cerritos as a ensin security and who is in the lower decks with his friends. However, many think he's a human, but none know his race is something that even the Bo...
Mariner screams as she threw an object at the screen. Having enough of hearing the news before her dad speaks.
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Admiral: Beckett! Screens can just be turned off, you know.
Mariner: I can't take this anymore. Everyone's acting like the trial's already over, when there is no way that Mom did anything wrong.
Admiral: Look, you and I both know that, and plenty of people in the courtroom know it, too. You just need to be patient and trust in the system.
Mariner: Oh, you mean the same system that's now putting her on trial? Oh, yeah, yeah, I frickin' love the system.
Mariner was about to through another plant but her dad stops her.
Admiral: Ah, ah, ah. Hey, hey, hey, hey, why don't you go out for bit? We don't get home that often. You can maybe go for a walk, breathe some non-recycled air.
Mariner: (Scoffs.) Home for you. I didn't grow up here.
Admiral: I just meant Earth. It's rare that you get back here.
Mariner: Ugh, the longer I'm off a ship, the more useless I feel. Like that. Like that big, dumb red thing.
Admiral: Beckett, you know that's the Golden Gate Bridge.
Mariner: Nobody drives anymore. Why do you need a bridge? This planet's wack.
Admiral: People like the bridge. I like the bridge.
Just then, someone's calling from the admirals desk. He answers it to meet another admiral.
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Admiral: Ah, Admiral Buenamigo.
Buenamigo: Alonzo. I am afraid I'm the bearer of bad news.
Mariner: What? What-What's the news? Oh, hey, Uncle Les.