As they waited for their order, they started chatting. "So how's life been?" Case asked to start the convo. Ted got nervous since he knows damn well that life was terrible for the most part. He was nervous that Case might pick at him for some reasons. God, Ted stop being so anxious about everything. He then finally spat out some words. "Well, I prefer not to talk a lot about it but... not so good for the past several years. There were little things that made me happy but not to keep me happy." He regretted to sound so depressed, he let out a sigh. "Hey, it'll be alright I promise. Don't worry anymore okay?" Case reassured him. Ted smiled softly and washed out any old anxious thoughts out of his mind. "This will be... the start of something new and beautiful.. I swear" Case smirked, his comment making Ted blush. "Exactly!"

Several minutes pass by and the waiter brings just Ted's food to the table. Hmm, this confused Case. "They usually bring our orders at the same time, so where's mine??" He asked eagerly. "Oh buddy... it's coming alright, you just hang on with your big boy self over here now kay." Said one of the waiters, then they and the rest of the waiter crew walked over to the kitchen to get a couple of those tables used to put food on to roll and serve other tables. Why would more than one be needed? There were huge plates of various items from the menu placed onto these tables. It was a whole surplus. Case saw a sneak peek of what the waiters were doing and his mouth started drooling. Hearts started to fill into his eyes. He was about to pull a cartoon character floating in the air while they smell something good move but Ted stopped him from doing so.

"Be patient Casey, it'll get here eventually.."
"Ohhh I can't wait any longer man, I NEED MY WAFFLE HOUSE"

Case starts hitting his chest like a monkey. This made Ted laugh a bit but he quickly did his best to pull Case back down to sit. After a couple seconds of waiting, the waiters bring over the giant order to the table which did take them a bit since it was all so heavy and needed more than 1 waiter for a push. The waiters had a little private chat then they came back to the table. "Uh guys, I'm not sure if all of this will... fit on this table. So are y'all fine with this just here?" One of them asked. "That sounds great with us." Case answered him. He gave 2 thumbs ups to Case and Ted and left back to the kitchen with his crew. "Well, let's finally dig in shall we." Case said excitedly. "I've been waiting ALL day for this, everything smells so good." Said Ted. He had the biggest smile on his face. First time in years that he had such a gigantic grin like himself and Case hehe haha. The 2 had already dug into their meals. Case already gobbled just one meal item down in seconds! Ted was visibly shocked.

"How do you just-" He was cut off by Case. "Don't you worry about it, but trust me I will be saving these antics for some other stuff later... these lips do more than eating!" Woah. Another shock hit Ted's face. He had no words so he continued eating. Meanwhile, Dolores was still outside. She was spying on them. She felt so disappointed that she saw her own husband having more fun and enjoying himself with some random dude who caused a traumatic event all around other than with her. The woman he married. All destroyed from a couple bottles of beer. "That damn narcissistic self absorbed freak. He thinks he can get away with all he's done by acting all so innocent with someone new?" She was thinking of something. A plan. Something that'll get him back. "This isn't over, Theodore."

Just a several minutes later, Ted has finally finished his meal. "Done?" asked Case. Ted nodded so they waited for a waiter to come by and give their check to pay. "Remember it's all on me." Said Case as he pulled his credit card out. He gave it to the waiter but something happened. "I'm sorry sir but... your card.. it's declined." The disappointing news turned the smile on Case's face upside down. Hearing the word "decline" brought him back to his past-streaming life, the dreadful days. "No no... this can't be... but how?" He looked down at the empty plates in front of him. "Sorry, dunno what to do. It just says declined." Replied the waiter. Tears started to form in Case's eyes, hopefully a tsunami won't strike. Ted looked over at him and put his hand right onto his shoulder to reassure him. "Hang in there it'll be fine, we'll figure this out alright?" He said in a soft tone to be comforting. "How WILL we figure this out? I swear I had my card loaded up with a bunch of money last week, what happened to all of it? Oh my god." Then he started sobbing. The waiter was about to lose it. His concerned face turned slowly into anger "I'm really sorry that you're upset about this but you're gonna have to find a way to pay for this big ass order dude. A whole big thousand dollars. FIX UP!!" There he strikes with some big old attitude. Case started to sob, he put his head in his hands, and cried away. Ted wrapped his arm around him to gave him a quick back rub then he looked up at the waiter, getting stern.

"Don't you DARE give attitude to my good friend here. What's he supposed to do? He didn't know his card was acting up. We'll find a way to fix this soon and I guarantee it." Ted gave the waiter a dirty look, which made him laugh. "Well... Mr tubby should've known what was coming for him, eating at a restaurant. I don't make the rules but man, crying over something that was his fault?? Oh but whatever y'all do, find a way to pay for this order in the next 5 MINUTES." Ted also had enough. He stood up then grabbed the waiter by his shirt with his bare hand.

"Listen, 5 minutes is TOO short. Where will we
find money?

"Perhaps... up your fat as-"



The waiter calmed down a bit and sighed.

"Fine. You have until 12 o'clock midnight SHARP. If you don't find money by the time, sorry but I'm gonna have to press some big fat scary charges."

Ted lets go from his shirt. "Alright. We'll come up with something." The waiter crosses his arms. "Time is ticking, GO." Ted went over to Case so they can be ready to leave, and find out how to pay for the Waffle House order.

And maybe why Case's credit card declined.

A/n: ITS FINALLY HERE. So read and enjoy.

Caseoh x Ted McDoodle Where stories live. Discover now