Time was just reaching 7 o'clock, and the 2 left the Waffle House, not knowing what to do. They had to get a thousand dollars to pay the check in about 5 hours!! They also have to find out why the card was declining when it was sworn to be fine. The due date hasn't passed or anything so what could be the issue?

Case, still bawling his eyes out, started to speak. "What do we do... what do we do!? We're so cooked dude. We're gonna go to jail!!" More crying comes out from him. Ted continued to be by his side. "We won't go to jail, don't dwell on that. But I do have a question." Case looked up at Ted for a couple minutes, still crying but he was trying to stop. "Take your time." Ted was somehow doing a great job at being supportive. It was rare that he acted like this when he was still the man of his house with Dolores and the kids. It had to be something about Case. Something in him that enlightened Ted.

Case started to finally speak. "So... what did you wanna... ask?" He cleared his throat, stopping the sadness. "Well, don't you do those little twitch streams? And make money off of them? I was thinking that doing so could help us." Ted asked his question. Unexpectedly, it brought shock to Case's face. "Wait how did you know I stream?" He does have a point. They just met earlier in the week from one causing an entire city panic. But how did Ted know that Caseoh was one of the 'biggest' streamers as of now? "A couple days ago I was just scrolling on my phone doing what not, then I saw something that involved you. This brought some attention to me so I looked into it, then I read things about you and there I found it." Ted was getting way too happy. "I was so amazed. I watched videos of you, and a couple of streams, and man your community is sooo cool! All of this helped me cope with my feelings for the past couple of days and OH MY." He was cut off by Case, who was starting to smile. "Woahhh there buster, heheh, I'm glad you enjoy my content but chill, just like I am now."

Ted slowly went back to his calm, normal state. "Well, what are we waiting for?" The 2 put smiles on their faces then their arms around each other and skedaddled happily to Case's trailer like good bros would. When they got there, Case opened the door like a gentleman and let Ted walk in first. He followed him in after. Case's cat kitty heard and came running to him. "KITTYYYYYUH" He picked up his cat and started petting it. "Awww!" Ted said as he looked at kitty. "I just remembered that I had a cat at home. Her name was sharikov as well as a dog named pancake. I dunno where those bastards are though cause they left the shelter."

"I'm sorry about that. Maybe they could come here.." Case responded, in a sarcastic way. Ted laughed. After that, he started examining the trailer, looking at big and small things. He then noticed Case's streaming setup. It wasn't the best, but it looked interesting to him. A monitor being held up by a vacuum, the other being held by books, all the random forks on the desk. It was getting a bit crazy but he didn't wanna disrespect his big friend, who at least has a stable place to live. Case noticed him staring at the setup. "Oh yea, that's where I steam as you can tell. Not the best, heh, but it has the ultimate experience of games." Ted took a closer look. "I can see"

"So shall we get started?"


A/n - so sorry that this took forever! I completely forgot about this fic and I've been busy at times. I'm now back in school so that's something to keep me from doing what I want more but I promise this isn't going to end right here. Thank you all so very very much for supporting this fic!!

Caseoh x Ted McDoodle Where stories live. Discover now