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Rani POV

Me,Kion and Bunga went into the classroom. I sat down,Kion sat on the seat next to me and Bunga sat behind Kion. The teacher entered. He was short,and had black hair so black it was turning blue. 

Teacher: Hello class, I'm Mr. Hornbill but most of you know me as Mr. Zazu.

I heard Kion and some students groan.I didn't understand, like how bad could he be. Mr. Zazu started teaching. I turned to look at Kion. He was quite cute. He was so attractive and his mascular body was like gosh . Wait why am I thinking of him like this, do I have a crush on him but I just met him. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and concentrated on Mr. Zazu. I gotta admit it was pretty boring, I yawned twice. Finally the bell rang and hell, oops I mean Maths was over. Me, Kion and Bunga left the class

Rani: That was so boring 

Kion: Yeah, it took me everything not to fall asleep 

Bunga: Yeah, why did we have to get Zazu out of all people 

Kion: IDK, hey Rani will you join our table for lunch 

Rani: Sure 

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