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Kopa's POV

Kiara, Kion and I are sitting in the living room watching TV. It's a type of old film.

Kiara: Oh my god, Sara is so funny

Kion: I know

Kopa: Yeah, hey don't you think mum and dad are taking a long time doing their royal duties?

Kiara: Yeah, it's 8 pm, they're supposed to be home by now.

Kion: I know, something's wrong.

I look over to Kion and he has that expression on his face. The expression he is hiding something. I should know he is my younger brother.

Kopa: Kion

Kion: What?

Kopa: Spill it.

Kion: Spill what?

Kopa: I know you are hiding something.

Kion: What makes you think I'm hiding something

Kopa: I'm your elder brother

Kion: Okay, just cause you are two years older than me doesn't mean you can read minds

Kiara: I wish we could

Kopa: Listen, I know that expression, you're hiding something.

Kion: I'm not

Kopa: You are

Kion: I'm not

Kopa: You are

Kiara: Okay, let's stop it. Calm down. Kion, are you hiding something

Kion: No

Kiara: Are you sure?

Kion: Yeeesss... Okay fine, I'll spill the beans.

Kiara's POV

Kion takes a deep breath.

Kion: Okay, promise you won't snitch on me.

Kopa: Fine.

Kion: This morning, I eavesdropped on dad's conversation over the phone. I heard that... that...

Kiara: You heard what?

Kopa: Tell us

Kion closes his eyes. This is either good news or bad news.

Kion: Scar has escaped from prison and the Moniam rock has been stolen.

Kiara and Kopa: What?

Kion: It's true

Kopa: This is crazy

Kiara: I know. Scar is one of the most dangerous criminal ever. Sometimes I even forget he is our grand-uncle.

Kion: Yeah

Kiara: But now that Scar's escaped, we need to be more careful. He might want to kill us to get his revenge.

Kopa: I know.

Kion: Bunga talked about us living in an underground bunker.

Kiara: That is not a good idea

Kopa: Yes. For now, we just need to be careful till the threat is over.

No one's POV

The three siblings nodded and went back to watching TV. Unbeknownst to them, a figure was watching them, mostly Kion,outside from an opened window.

???: I found you, Keeper Of Rardox. No one will exploit you, not on my watch.

*              *                    *                     *                 *              *                *        

Rani and Baliyo sat on balcony, looking at the shimmering stars in the night sky.

Baliyo: Rani, now that the Moniam rock has been stolen, I'm sure it won't take time before the Dactew Prism, Reiq stone, Zokuinn gem and the last one I've forgotten are stolen.

Rani: Yeah, I think, no, I know that Thayer is behind Scar's escape. He is persistent and would stop at nothing to conquer the world.

Baliyo: Too bad you haven't unlocked your power yet. As the Keeper Of Chosmer, you'll have a lot of power . I wish I was the firstborn.

Rani: It's a lot of responsibility. And I believe I will be able to stop Thayer and his goons, once I unlock my power.

Baliyo: I know you'll do great as a keeper.

Rani: Thanks.

The two continued to stare at the night sky, knowing that there was hope as long as there was a keeper.


I have nothing to see except...

Stay tuned for more and thanks so much for reading.

Word count: 562

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