Chapter 8: Desperation

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Eager to test my new skills I gleefully skipped over to the Asylum Demon's arena. While tightly clutching my broken straight sword in hand I pushed open the heavy ass giant iron doors. Like seriously did they expect dumb as brick demons to use doors like normal people? Wait, did they even expect demons to guard the prison? Whatever, that's irrelevant. What's actually relevant is me shoving this broken blade up the Asylum Demons' shitter.


While making direct eye contact with the asylum demon perching on the arena's broken roof I walked forward slowly. And as soon as I passed his imaginary line he jumped down to deliver me yet another brutal death.

Well, I don't plan on making it easy or pleasant for him.

His first attack is a forward diagonal slam which I avoid by dodging to the side just before it hit by rolling. With that role, I noticed that since my skill has leveled up it has become easier but not nearly as much as the first time I got the skill. This time he pulled a different move, instead of pulling the hammer back to himself. he instead swung toward me with his hammer still on the ground, basically dragging it toward me.

Instead of cowering away and panicking I focus on the swing at waited for just the right time. And the moment the hammer was a meter away from colliding with me, I jumped over it. The Asylum demon, unable to stop the momentum of the swing, kept going whilst I advanced toward him.

Arriving right in front of his bulging gut, I stabbed forward with my broken straight sword. As my blade contact with his front, I felt that, while I did do damage it was so little to the point that it was negligible. But I guess it was to be expected after all I was attacking a giant demon with a broken blade duller than a butter knife.

But what else could I even use-

Punch it

what? no that's stupid.

Dew it

In a moment of weakness, I succumbed to my primal instincts passed down to me by my primate ancestors to punch the big thing. So before the asylum demon could recover to do another attack I passed my blade to my left hand and channeled all of my strength from my monkey ancestors(and my boxing skill). I clocked the Asylum Demon right on his gut.


I definitely broke my hand. Punching the giant thing on the gut with my frail hollow body wasn't really the best of ideas huh? Now I'm in front of the giant thing with his great hammer raised above and my dominant hand broken. But I'm not one to easily give up, seeing the hammer coming down on me I immediately roll under him.

Man, rolling under a giant demon's sweaty asscheeks is not a pleasant experience at all.

Behind him, I start slashing his ankles with my left hand as my right couldn't properly hold my sword. Even though I knew it was futile I keep slashing. He jumped up and slammed down but after avoiding that I still kept slashing and stabbing relentlessly at his backside. Whilst it dealt no real damage to him, just the fact that it caused him pain was enough.

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