Chapter 8

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Five minutes passed by and All Might had announced start of the match. In the moment it had been announced Bakugo dashed out of the room where they stood. It left Erena standing alone with her arms crossed. "Why was I stuck with him?" She only felt annoyed by all this and looked back to everything in the room. "That girl... Ochaco Uraraka..." It took Erena a second to remember her name, as they ended introducing themselves on the first day. "Anything she touches lose gravity." She was reminding herself of this and knew that she needed to get rid of everything in the room. Not even lifting a finger water began spreading out across the floor from where she stood until every corner of the room's floor was covered. Once it had been covered the stuff in the room soon had a sphere of water surrounded them, before being lifted off the ground. This action had been repeated a few times until all the spheres began heading out the windows, along with the objects inside them. "That appears to be everything." She glanced around the room one more time to check for anything she missed, when...
"Whoa!" The sudden shocked voice belonging to a girl caused Erena to turn towards the entrance. The one standing there had been Uraraka who looked shocked at the ground which was covered in water.
"Yeah, I thought it would be just you." The golden eye girl wasn't the slightest bit surprised that it was only Uraraka standing before her, since it was clear that Bakugo would only attack Midoriya and not care about his partner. "But don't you think that let your guard down to fast?" Erena asked with a very bored look across her face and seeing seemed have caused Uraraka to sweat before she pulled her hand up to her ear.
"Deku! Satsukida-san found me. Sorry!" She was talking into her earpiece as Erena stood there staring at her. "The middle of the fifth floor."
"Are you done?" It seemed that the villain wasn't going to do anything as she didn't move at all while asking this, however, suddenly the sound of a large explosion erupted and the building began shaking. "Hey asshole, what did you do?" The question was being asked by Erena as she placed her hand over her left ear, where her communicator was located inside.
"Shut up, Bitch!" But he didn't answer her and only snapped at her. Seeing that Erena was destructed by trying to talk to Bakugo, Uraraka took this as an opening and began dashing for the weapon since as long as she touches it it's their win. However, just as she used her Quirk on her own body that caused it to began to float...
"Are you stupid?" Erena spoken not even turning around as something shot out from the water below where Uraraka was floating above.
"Arg!" The girl had screamed in shock as she found herself being wrapped around by tentacles made from water. "W-What is this?!" She was confused as she didn't even see Erena move.
"This place is filled with water for a reason." The owner of the water began turning around in order to face Uraraka, who was trying to break free of the water tentacles. "I can feel even the most minute vibrations or ripples in the water, so I don't need to see you in order to stop you. Nor do I need to do anything." This had been stated to her, the expression not changing the slightest bit. "My guess is that your Quirk doesn't work on liquids, does it." The girl was unable to hid her reaction to Erena's statement, which only proved her theory. "Object have molecular bonds that hold them together, which liquids do not have. Every atom or molecule can flow freely. The only thing that holds them together is gravity itself. If you touch water nothing would happen because none of the molecules would touch every fingerpads of yours. Therefore its impossible for you to float liquids." Erena was a bad match for the girl before her. It was clear that Uraraka was shocked at how the girl before her could get all other that only seeing her Quirk a few times just a few days ago. But what was more shocking was the power of her own Quirk, which seemed to have reacted with little to no movement on her part. "There shouldn't be much time left, so we'll just stay like this till then." Erena came to say this as she didn't plan to do anything else. However, Uraraka on the other hand was pulling her head and shoulder together.
"Deku... I...can barely... move..." She seemed to have managed to hold down the earpiece to speak, although she was struggling to speak. "Got... it..." Erena didn't know what it was that Midoriya was saying to her, but it didn't matter since she knew that there was no way that Bakugo would lose to the green hair young man. Especially since he was unable to control his Quirk and broke his body in the progress. It meant that he couldn't use his Quirk freely without being at a disadvantage afterwards. Even though she didn't like to admit it, Bakugo was strong with his Quirk and clearly he knew how to fight well on top of that. However, she was pulled out from her thoughts as she felt the water rippling a lot. "What?" She didn't know what it was but it was getting closer, her instincts were screaming to back away. Following it Erena leaped away from the spot she had been standing and not a second later the floor had blasted up. The water that had been in the room was sent flying from the wind that was created by the force. The little water that didn't was being used to keep Erena stuck to the floor so she wouldn't also be caught up in the blast. Needless to say that the water that had captured Uraraka had disappeared and she had grabbed onto a pillar that began to break off from the floor.
"Sorry, Satsukida-san!" This came from the girl as she used her Quirk on the pillar, causing it to float. "Improvised special move-" Uraraka began to swing the pillar like a bat. "Comet Home Run!" And shouting this she forcefully hit the rubble that was in the air towards Erena. But she didn't lose composure as she created a dome around herself made of water that blocked the attack. However, this had only been a distraction...
"Release!" As Uraraka used her Quirk on herself again to jump the hole in the ground. "Retrieved!" Grabbing the weapon as Erena didn't have time to react.
"Hero... Hero team... wins!" All Might's voice echoed loudly through the earpieces of the participants and Uraraka came falling off the weapon onto the group where she began throwing up. Needless to say that Erena stood as far away as she could from the girl, with a disgusted look across her face.

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