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Audrey's Pov

“After you turn around, place your hand on my shoulder.” Bada instructed, showing it off to me.

“Okay.” I simply said, following her instructions.

We started practicing and a little uncomfortable too. We never talked about what happened yesterday—we just acted like it never happened. I tried to compose myself but my mind is really messed up. I couldn't even focus and felt like I've lost myself, as always.

I joke woke up this morning and felt so numb. I feel nothing at all, I guess it's slowly tiring me.

“Are you sure you can do this? You keep messing up.” puna ni Bada at in-off yung music.

“I-i'm sorry. Let's start again.” mahina kong sabi.

“Wala pa nga tayo sa kalahati—” just in time, my phone rang loudly inside the studio preventing her to finish her sentence.

“I'll just answer it.” I excused myself and went out to answer the call.


“Are you free?”

“No, still practicing for our performance. I'm with Bada.”

“Hmm you okay?”

“Of course I am.”

Lies, lies, lies.

“After your practice, call me. I'll pick you up there and let's go somewhere.”

“I thought you were busy?”

“Well I cleared all my schedule so I'm free now. I want to take you out later.”

“Wow~ okay, I'll call you later.”

“Good. Bye and have fun!”


I was about to hang up on her when she called my name and what she said next brought me to tears.

“Audrey, kapag pagod kana, tumigil kana.”


“You gave your best and I think that's already enough. Alam kong gusto mong malaman yung totoo pero mas maganda siguro kung hindi mo na malaman.”

“Ma, I still want to—”

Makinig ka saakin, okay? May mga bagay kasi na mas magandang hindi mo na lang alam para hindi kana lalong masaktan. Kung ayaw ka talaga niyang sagutin, tumigil kana. You are beautiful and still young. Someone out there deserves you and obviously Bada doesn't deserve you at all.”

“But I love her.”

“But she doesn't love you the way you love her. Please save yourself while you still can.”

“Please aralin mo yung steps para bukas dire-diretso tayo.” paalala saakin ni Bada at nagsimula na siyang ayusin yung gamit niya.

Hindi ko siya sinagot at inayos na lang din yung gamit. After arranging my things, I called my mom since we have plans. I ignored Bada and just talked to my mother instead.

“Ma, we're done. Where are you now?”

“Outside and already waiting for you. May payong kaba? It's raining.

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