Chapter 14 (Night 2): A Train To Catch

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We last read Chapter 13, in which Specter wakes up from her second encounter in the dream pocket with the mysterious voice who keeps pushing her to commit more violence; said voice also demeans and belittles King Ryker while pushing Specter to start deciding for herself at the same time. When Specter awakens, she and T.J. are still in the middle of driving to the Midaquet Bridge in order to pull off their train heist, though T.J. stops the vehicle out of concern for her when he realizes what's happened. Specter, deciding to keep her encounters with the mysterious voice a secret from T.J. for the time being, lies to him and claims that she just had an interesting dream where Bengal, the mascot of the Beheaded Bengal Saloon, actually had a head with huge googly eyes on it that startled her; a claim that T.J. fully buys. After reassuring her that she can tell him anything, the two of them continue on their way.

Upon arrival at the Midaquet Bridge, Specter informs T.J. on what she's learned; the Imperator's Armory does not make all of its armaments at their main location, and they sometimes have externally made weapons shipped into said location by train.....and one such train is about to pass underneath the bridge she and T.J. are currently on. She then instructs T.J. to act as her tracker and eventual getaway driver, and warns him to not lose track of her. Then, with Specter fastening a strong rope around her waist and affixing it to a carabiner which she then sticks to the bridge's edge---and T.J. opening his tracking app and syncing it with Specter's device---the duo officially begin their mission to attack the Imperator's Armory supply train.

This time, Specter starts infiltrating the locomotive, with T.J. continuing to keep a close eye on her.....


-Imperator's Armory Supply Train, Caboose-

As Specter leapt off the eastern edge of the Midaquet Bridge and expertly dove towards the roof of the passing train below, she actually almost missed it, only barely managing to land on top of the caboose. She was caught off-guard by the instability of her landing, and ended up rolling backwards a few times, eventually culminating in her desperately clinging to the back edge of the caboose roof. Gathering herself again, she officially disengaged herself from the rope that had gotten her there---so it would no longer hold her back---then pulled herself onto the roof again of her own strength.

She saw her target a ways ahead of her; the fourth boxcar from the back, or the one just behind the front engine.

Darn it..... she complained internally. Looks like I've got some work to do.

She checked a hidden pocket on her combat suit to ensure her secret weapon was ready to go.....and indeed, it was. A handheld cylinder-shaped object that was mainly colored black with a flashing red interior; this was the payload Specter needed to deliver to the fourth boxcar.

She ran to the other end of the caboose's roof, the sound of the train whistles reverberating in her ears. During her advance forward, she quickly ducked down into a slide to avoid an overhead girder that was about to pass her.

When she got to the space between the caboose and the first boxcar, she looked down and saw that there was a single rifle-wielding guard in the area, vigilantly scanning the exterior back and forth for any infiltrators.

Just one.....? Specter thought to herself. That's all they could do?

Smirking, she decided that this person wasn't worth her trouble. Instead, she cloaked herself and fluidly made the jump from the caboose to the first boxcar, with the grunt being none the wiser.

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