12. Flip of Coin

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Niki watches Eunchae from afar. He peeks through the bookshelves. He smiles. The plan worked. Honestly he did not think of doing this. But a recent visit to his senior's home changed his mind.

Two weeks ago...

Niki knocked the front door of an apartment that is far from foreign to him. Seconds after the door opens.

''Niki, you are here?'' Jake his senior open the door smiling at him.

'' Yeah, I bought some food for you,'' Niki said showing Jake a white plastic bag that has a bento box in it.

"As expected, you know me well," He ruffles Niki's hair proud of his junior that he sees like a younger brother,

Jake is one of the members in this group beside Heeseung. They graduated a few years before and now Niki do meet up with them regarding the plans.

" It's been so long you came over, isn't it?"

"Yeah, you have college and I have school."

" What makes you come over suddenly? Is there any issues with the plans?"

"No. Yes.Actually not specifically. I just need advice." Niki said looking at Jake that gave him a knowing look.

" Okay, seems like you are in a rut. Usually you would have solved the problem yourself."

"Nothing, just that the school president is giving me troubles. She seem to be able to figure out my plans too easily. I don't know why she is always there when I am trying to execute my plans," Niki stated.

"Do you like her?''

"What? What kind of question is that?" Niki asked him back laughing.

" Do you like her, Niki?"

"No I do not,'' yes I do.

"Really?" Jake asked him again.

"Yeah" nope.

"Look, you can lie to me but you can never lie to yourself.If she is the student president, I am confident she is smart. And if," Jake presses on the word," you like her, I know there must be a reason why,"

Niki nods. He knows what his brother said is right.

"Niki what we are doing requires focus. We can't let things like this to hinder our progress. The things we do is not inhonourable. It's just that, the way we execute it is questionable. If you really like her, you would know if she could understand what we are doing. Have you ever talked to her?''

" Wait, you want me to tell her what we are doing? She is the school president, If I tell her, its going to cause chaos" Niki looked at Jake like he has grown two heads. Has his brother lost his mind?

" You like her right? Don't you think that maybe if you tell her he truth she might understand the situation better?" Jake says opening the bento box , " right now she is in the dark. It's causing her to speculate and make her own conclusions. You said she is smart and she is figuring it out fast. She will soon figure it out anyways."

" I mean she seems patriotic about the rights and the wrongs, " Niki drawled out his words. Now that Jake said that, he can't help but think of the possibility. The possibility that he could get the school president on his side.

"But what if I spoil the operation? It's too risky, we can't afford to make a mistake," Niki looked at Jake that is devouring the bento box.

" We take risk all the time, what is so diferent with this one? Are you just afraid of the risk Niki? Or are you actually afraid that she might not be on your side?" Jake says looking at Niki raising his brows slightly.

Niki went radio silent. If he were to be truthful to himself. It's the fear of having to choose. The operation or Eunchae. That is what he fears. He fears that he couldnt choose. He fears the regret that comes after.

'' So what do I do?" Niki straightened his back asking his older brother the million dollar question.

"Don't fret, I have an idea," said his brother says nodding.

Present Day...

Truthfully, Niki did not think that Jake's plan would work. But by looking at Eunchae's reaction. He was right. After all she is the student president. She would know what is right and what is wrong. Maybe he should let her discover herself about the school that she love so much. And how many dirty secrets is about to be unleashed.

But of course he has to plan. He scouted the area and got some information as to where she spends her summer break. As expected the student president studies instead of having fun. Eunchae loves to study at a local cafe. The one with a big cat statue outside.He is not confident that this plan might work. Its so ridiculous to him that she would follow him. That too on a summer break. He carefully situated himself at the cafe window. Not too near but not too far either. Just nice for her to notice him. And she did.

He thought it would fail but guess what, he was wrong. When she saw him and grabbed her bag, he knew he had succeeded. Its hilarious that Eunchae is not taking chances when it comes to him. She really don't trust him. And she is spot on about it too.

Luring Eunchae is so easy. He could see her tailing him, hiding behind trees. One time when he turned, he could see her silhouette around the lamp post. He couldnt help but laugh. She can't hide to save her life. Does she not realise how cute she is?

He then brought her to the library. To act like he don't know anything, he asked the librarian about the old newspaper archives. He has been there before. Most of the articles couldn't be found on the web. Here is where truth lies.

He act busy when he reached there, taking pictures of the articles and what not. When he very well know what was it about. After that he left. And again he thought the plan will go to waste if she follows him. But nope Eunchae changed her mind looking at those newspapers.

Niki swore he let out the deepest breathe he had held. Looking at her skimming through and flipping the newspaper frowning in frustration. As he watches her, he could'nt help but suppress a smile. Her annoyed face is so cute.

And then she stopped and Niki was worried if she would give up. But she continued. This time she pulled the daily mail that he wanted her to see. He could see the shock that runs through her face. Mind racing in realisation at the new information. His job is done.

Next time when he sees Jake he would probably buy for him a limited edition lego set.

To thank him of this successsful plan. Except Niki is not done yet. This is the first step to sway her to his side.

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