18.Pokemon Plaster

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''And that will be 1050 Yen,'' the cashier inform Eunchae. She passed him her card and turned to look at the boy sitting outside with his bent bike. His head looking down. Usually Eunchae would laugh at Ni-ki but this time she don't want him to feel worse. He wanted to buy but obviously he is in pain so Eunchae insist that she will get the supplies instead.

The sliding door open alerting Niki making him stand up.

''Here, let me help you,'' He says opening the plastic bag with his functioning hand. Or at least attempted to.

Eunchae look at him flailing around with the bag.

''Seriously? Just let me do it,'' she take the bag back from him giving him a blank look.

Niki couldnt help but laugh at her antics.

'' Sit down,'' Eunchae points to the bench he was sitting before.

The boy begrudgingly sits down. Eunchae sits beside him and take out the joint cream that will help with the possible sprain.

''I think it is swollen, you still need to go to the doctor after this,'' Eunchae says as she closely inspect his wrist. She looks up to look at him. Niki raise his brows and sigh.

Eunchae slowly squeeze out appropriate amount of cream and softly lather it around Niki's wrist. Right there and then, it kinda hit Eunchae how close they are. Her forehead is a right hand rule distanced away from his. She could feel his stare burning into her. She knows if she looks up to him, his eyes would directly meet hers. What is this feeling? She could feel her heart thumping against her chest.

Eunchae clears her throat.

'' It's done,'' Eunchae says standing up suddenly attempting to shake off the nervousness she is suddenly feeling. Since when is she like this around Niki? Must be the adrenaline from falling off the bike. Yes thats it. Or maybe it is the lack of oxygen due to their close proximity.

''How about your knee?'' Niki's voice cut of her running thoughts.


''Your knee is bleeding,''

''It's a small cut, it's okay.''

Niki pull the white plastic bag from her hands. Eunchae watches him rummage through the bag.

''Pokemon plaster?'' Niki asked her hiding his smile.

'' Yes is there a problem?''

''Nope,'' he says opening the packaging and tearing off one.

Niki stand up and bend down in front of Eunchae, making her knee, his eye-level.

''What are you doing? It's okay, I can do it by myself-''

''Just stay still, I don't want to hurt you,'' Niki looks up at her. Eunchae looks at Niki's face. What the hell is going on? Why is her cheeks warming up?

She was stunned. She couldn't utter a word.

He slowly paste the plaster on her knee gently applying pressure. Eunchae grimaced a bit.

'' There you go,'' Niki said slowly standing up looking at Eunchae.

''Well okay then, its getting late anyways we should head home,'' Eunchae said trying to brush what just happened. She don't have the courage to face the feelings she is having right now.

'' Okay, didn't you say you wanted ice cream?''

''Oh ,'' Eunchae paused, she really could use some ice cream right now.

''Wait here, I will buy the ice cream for you. Which one do you want?''


Niki nodded. Looking at Ni-ki walking away. Eunchae couldn't help but admit that he is not as bad as she initially thought he is. How can someone paying for ice cream be this attractive. She did not get a concussion right?

Niki came back with two mango ice cream making Eunchae snap back to reality. Ain't no way she is finding him attractive. At least she will never say it out loud ever.

" Thanks, also how is your hand suddenly okay?" Eunchae look at him skeptically , wondering how he could suddenly heal so fast.

" I think the ointment kinda help the swell," He said genuinely surprised rotating his wrist. Well, seems like he is not faking it.

" I think I can walk home, from here, its not that far already" Eunchae says pointing to the road ahead of them.

" I can walk with you,"

"What about your bike?"

Niki turned to look at his bike that is laying there.

"I'll lock it here and take it first thing tommorow in the morning," He says turning to Eunchae.

Eunchae nods. That makes things much more easier.

" How about you? How are you getting home? Since your bike is here"

" I can call my brother to pick me up, don't worry,"

" I am not worried."

"Oh really, that what was all that concern for?"

"Well I am concern but for ME," Eunchae glare at him, " if anything happens to you, your crew will come after my ass"

Eunchae lick the mango ice cream that is slowly melting. Niki is back to being himself. Annoying but good to know that he is feeling okay.

"This mango ice cream is actually so good," Niki said nodding

" I know right?!" Eunchae smirks proudly, " my taste have always been esquisite,"

"Well I prefer the melon better," Niki said nudging her.

"Then you should have picked the melon one ,nobody forced you to buy mango" Eunchae defensively glare at him. The audacity to direspect the superior fruit.

Niki's laugh echoes in the dark night. The two of them slowly walk falling into a comfortable silence.

" Why did you join them though?"

"Join who?"

" The team. You dont strike me as a vigilante at first,"

"Really? What was your first impression of me?"

"A pain in the butt,"

Niki chuckled.

"Wow.. what was I even expecting?"

Eunchae sarcastically smile and raise her shoulders.

"You still have not answered my initial question though, why?" Eunchae said licking her mango ice cream that is 3/4 done. This stuff is good.

" I can't tell you now, I think there will be a much more appropriate time that I can tell you why,' Niki stated looking ahead suddenly serious.

" Okay , but you have to tell me eventually, I want to know,"

" Don't worry I am not hiding anything," Niki stopped in his tracks.

Eunchae looks at the boy in front of her. If you asked her a month ago if she would be eating mango ice cream with him she would call the idea nuts. But here she is with him, at night walking home talking to each other like decent human beings.

" Okay we are here, thank you for today even though I almost died," Eunchae said turning to look at Niki.

He pressed his lips together trying to contain his laughter.

" I am sorry about that" Niki scratched his neck.

" It's okay, just know that I am NOT riding a bike with you ever again,"

Eunchae walks towards the house gate. She turned to look at Niki that is standing underneath the lamp post. He gave her a smile and waves.

Well, he is not that bad after all. She can tolerate him so far. However she can't trust him entirely. At least not now.

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