19.Enemies Do Not Fall in Love, Right?

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" YOU WHAT??!" Yunjin's voice boomed across the courtyard.

"SHHHHHH" Eunchae cover Yunjin's mouth fast.

A few students give them looks obviously weirded out by their behavior.

" Why is your voice so loud? Do you eat megaphone for breakfast every morning or something??" Eunchae looks at her bewildered.

Yunjin smiles at Eunchae sheepishly.

"Well how am I supposed to react then when you tell me that you went on an ice cream date with Niki," Yunjin looks at Eunchae squinting her eyes.

" Its not a date," Eunchae lets out a shaky breathe of desperation.

This is what happens when she can't explain the whole truth to her friend.

" A boy and a girl, eating ice cream at night and he walks you home. Tell me that is not a date,"

" No it is not .Might I remind you that I fell from a bike too??" Eunchae exasperatedly looks at her friend that is teasing her.

" Well yes, only for him to help you paste the pokémon plaster," Yunjin grins.

Eunchae look at her friend. Why did she tell her everything. Should have left that out.

"Anyways, there is nothing going on between us. We are just friends."

"You calling him a friend now?" looking disbelief that her friend just said that.

"Well no, I am-"

"Look who is coming over, the devil himself," Yunjin pointed behind Eunchae making her turn around.

Eunchae turned to look at Niki walking over toward her. Oh well, what does he want now?


"Hi, how can I help you today?" Eunchae asked him in feigning customer service voice.

Niki rolls his eyes.

"Just wanted to check if you are okay, since gravity pulled your butt."

"HA HA very funny."

"Are you free after school? There is something I wanna show you," he looked behind and raises his eyebrows as if saying hi to Yunjin who was standing there looking amused.

" Oh , are you bringing her on another date?" Yunjin wiggling her eyebrows excited by the idea that Hong Eunchae is interested in a date.

Eunchae whipped her head to her friend that seems like she lost her damn mind.


"Yes." Niki curtly answered.



Before she could register that, Niki slides his arm around Eunchae's shoulders slowly. What the hell is this guy doing? She could feel her whole body tensed up. She could feel his body heat right next to her. His hand placed on her shoulders. Eunchae turn to look at him slowly just to have him having this sly smile that he is trying to hide. Now what is Nishimura Riki thinking he is doing?

"Actually we are dating," He says abruptly pulling Eunchae even closer. The unexpected force clashes their body together. As he closes the gap, she could feel his lean muscles underneath their school's coat. She almost forgot to clear that remark.

Get a grip, Hong Eunchae.

" Huh?! What are you talking about? No we are NOT dating and we are NOT going on a date," Eunchae exasperatedly waving her hand around the air to get Yunjin to realize this is a hoax. Realizing his hand is still on her shoulders , Eunchae glare at Niki and smacked his hand off.

"Okay, well have fun not dating," Yunjin winked when she say the 'not' part.

Oh my god.

" I'll leave you guys to it, I don't want to third wheel so..." Yunjin waves cheekily at them and Niki smiles waving back.

Once Yunjin is out of sight, Eunchae elbowed his tummy making him grunt.

"Ouch, violence is not the answer school president," Niki rubs his tummy pouting.

"Now the whole school will think that I am dating you! Have you lost your mind?!" Eunchae could feel heat coming out of her nostrils. She is about to blow some fire.

" Why? Isn't it a good idea? Because we will be hanging out often now that you are on my squad. If we are dating, then the whole school will be less suspicious why you are hanging out with me suddenly."

Eunchae paused. He actually have a decent explanation.

" But we could just say we are friends. It does not make sense why I am suddenly dating you when the whole school know we never get along."

" Well, enemies do fall in love."

Eunchae look at Riki. He did not just say that. Is dude a lover boy?


"Well I think it is a good idea," he shrugged his shoulders," it is less suspicious and it will throw people of our backs. It helps you and me. Its saves use from more lies. More lies means more slip ups. We don't want that do we?"

As much as Eunchae hates it. It is a good idea. So if she hangs out with him outside of school and someone from school sees them they won't suspect a thing.

" Okay fine BUT I will set RULES,"

Niki rolls his eyes.

" Of course , the school president and her rules can never be separated."

" I am glad you know me well , a good start to a fake relationship," Eunchae's voice laced in sarcasm made Niki chuckle.

"Fine, what are the rules miss ma'am."

The school bell suddenly rang indicating their first period.

"We will talk again later now go to class," Eunchae said shoving Niki towards the flight of stairs. He sloppily let his weight down making it heavy for Eunchae. She smacks him making him laugh standing upright following her right behind.

That afternoon Niki waited for her near the gates of the school. His eyes squinting skimming for her through the crowd. Eunchae breathes in sharply. She made the rules during break time just now. Hopefully he won't have any complains.

Seeing her from afar, he straightened his back as he watches her get closer.

"The rules is made I suppose?"


"That's my girlfriend"

Eunchae glare at Niki making him laugh out loud. Despite that Eunchae could feel her heart flutters the word girlfriend.

This is dangerous waters she is playing for sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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