Chapter 20, where do we start? and Boris' secret relationship?

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Tuck's P.O.V
I was looking for Ella because we were playing hide and seek. "Where are you, Elly?" I asked her through my pup tag. "Oh, Tucky I just can't tell you where I am hiding that's not how hide and seek works silly," Ella replied through my pup tag. "Can I have a hint at least?" I asked her through the pup tag. "Okay, fine one hint near the lookout," she replied. So I looked all around the Lookout and I couldn't find her. "Okay, I give up Elly," I say with a defeated tone. Then Ella walked up to me and kissed my cheek. "I love you so much my Tucks," Ella says to me. "I love you too my Elly," I replied.

Boris' P.O.V
I was nervous about telling my parents that I have been secretly gay I just was worried about how they would react. I have been secretly gay for a few years now but I have been hiding it from my parents. The only one who knows of my secret is my sister Lura. She always teases me about it. Not in a mean way. Just an annoying little sister kind of way. I was born first then my sister was born 5 minutes later making me the oldest. I'm a 13-year-old Golden Retriever I look just like my father Tuck and my sister Lura is a 13-year-old Golden Retriever as well but she looks like my mom Ella. "Lura, what did I tell you about teasing me?" I asked her. "To not to," she replies. "Ok, stop please," I reply. "Hehe, it's funny that you like boys instead of girls," she giggles. "How's that funny?" I asked her. "You like boys hehe," she kept teasing. "Stop, please," I reply with anger in my voice the thing was I love my sister but she could drive me insane sometimes. "You like boys," she repeated. "Stop!" I yelled at her. "Ok, may I ask you something?" She asked. "If it's about me liking boys then no," I reply. "But Goris," she replies. "It's Boris and yes Lura?" I asked her. "Why don't you like girls?" She asked. "It's hard to explain," I reply. "Hehe, you like boys hehe," she giggles. Here we go again with that same old broken record. I tried to tune out Lura but all I heard was her giggles while saying You like boys followed by another giggle. I just ignored her and carried on with my day.
Five minutes later Lura got bored and left me alone. So after that, I went to talk to my Uncle Chase and Uncle Zuma. I found them chilling at their pup's house so I approached them. "Yo, Boris," Chase greeted me. "Hi, Uncle Chase and Uncle Zuma," I reply. "Hi Boris," Zuma replied. "Hey, guys I have to tell you something that you can't tell my parents, can I trust you guys?" I asked them. "You got our word," Zuma replied as Chase nodded in agreement. I take a deep breath. "I'm gay," I say so quickly that they don't understand what I said. "You're what?" Zuma asked. "I'm gay," I repeated much more clearly. "Boris we love you no matter what. We don't care if you are gay or straight, or even bisexual you are our nephew and why don't you want to tell your parents this?" Chase asked me. "I'm afraid that they won't love me anymore," I reply. "Boris, do you know that Zuma and I are gays too?" Chase asked. "What? I didn't know that," I reply with a shocked expression. "Yeah, Chasey and I have been married for 6 years now," Zuma replied. "Does my parents know about this?" I asked them. "I don't know did we tell Tuck and Ella?" Chase asked Zuma. "I'm not quite sure Chasey," Zuma replied with a shrug. "Well let's tell them now," Chase replies. Then they walked away while holding tails. After talking to my two uncles I started walking around but as I was walking around the Lookout I saw another boy pup I couldn't help but stare at him. He was the most handsome pup I have ever seen. I think I'm in love with him. Then he started walking toward me. Shit, he's coming what do I do? Now he was sitting in front of me.
"Hi, what's your name?" He asked. I was frozen like an ice cube. "Hello?" He asked me as he waved his paw in my face. "Uh," is what came out of my mouth. "I will start my name is Roxy," Roxy said. "Roxy what a beautiful name," I reply as I blush from saying that but I try to hide it. "Thanks since I told you my name tell me yours," Roxy replies. "The name is Boris," I replied with a nervous tone. "Well It was nice meeting you Boris but I got to go," he said in a disappointed voice. "Wait, can we be friends?" I asked him. "I don't know you don't know who I am," he replied. "That's why I want to be friends," I say to him. "Look Boris there's something I must tell you my name is a girl's name and my adoptive parents are gay," he replied. "Roxy I don't care if you have a girl's name and as for your parents, I don't care if they are gay, because I'm gay myself," I reply. "Oh, so you don't care if I have a girl's name? Or that I have adoptive parents who are gay because you are gay just like them?" He asked. "Yes, I don't care," I reply. "You know what Boris let's be friends," Roxy replies. "Yay!" I yelled. Now that we're friends I just need to get to know him before I ask him to be my boyfriend. "Roxy you want to hang out?" I asked him. "Sure why not I got nothing better to do," he replied. So we played tag all day and I think it's time that I opened up my feelings towards him. "Hey, Roxy can I tell you something?" I asked him. "Yeah, what's on your mind," he replied. "You remember how I told you that I was gay?" I asked him. "Yes, why are you bringing this up?" He asked. "Roxy I don't know how to say this," I reply but he cut me off. "You are in love with me aren't you?" He asked me. I nodded my head. "Boris I'm flattered but I just don't see you like that, I hope that I didn't upset you," he replied. "Oh, I see," I reply as I run off crying.

Roxy's P.O.V
Damnit Roxy, you upset him the thing is I do kind of like him more than a friend but I've been bad at expressing my feelings since my birth parents disappeared. My birth parents were undercover spies but one day they never returned from their mission. So after my birth parents' disappearance, I lived with my grandparents until they died of old age. Then I went to an orphanage which was the worst part of my life. I ran away from the orphanage after that I lived on the streets for years. Until Rocky found me and adopted me I was so grateful for Marshall and Rocky. I love them so much. Now I need to find Boris and apologize to him. So I went to find Boris. I found him sobbing to himself. "Boris I'm sorry that I hurt you. I don't know how to express my feelings very well," I say to him. "Roxy all I want to know is if you like me or not," Boris replied with a sob. "Boris I do kind of like you," I reply. "Do you mean that?" He asked me as he perked up his ears. "Yes, Boris I love you too," I reply smiling at him. "So do you want to be my boyfriend?" He asked me. "Yes Boris I would love to be your boyfriend," I reply with a smile. He got up and then he knocked me down to the ground and started licking me like crazy. To be honest I kind of liked it. I didn't want him to stop but he did stop. "Rox I love you so much," Boris says as he kisses me. "Bori I love you too," I reply as I kiss him back. "By the way who are your parents?" I asked him. "Tuck and Ella what about you who are your parents?" He asked me the same question. "Marshall and Rocky," I reply. "Well, I got to go. I love you, oh let's keep our relationship a secret Rox," he replied. "OK, if that's what you want my love then I won't tell anyone, and I love you too," I reply.

Boris' P.O.V
I can't believe I'm dating someone. "Boris come right now!" Ella yelled from the distance. Oh boy, I'm in trouble. So I go to see what my mom wants. "Yes, mom?" I asked her. "Don't think I didn't know what you did," she replies. "Am I in trouble?" I asked her. "Yes, you are," she replies. "What did I do?" I asked. "Did you hit your sister?" She asked me. "What no I didn't," I say with a confused expression. "Well, Lura said you did," she replies. "It's not true," I reply. "I don't care if it's true or not you are grounded for a week," she replies. "No, this is bullshit I didn't do anything wrong I was framed," I say to her. "An extra 5 months for back talking," she replies. "But," I reply but she cuts me off. "You want to be grounded longer?" She asked me. "No," I reply as I looked at my paws. I only said that so I could talk to Roxy. "Now go to your room and no calling anyone or no TV," she said with a stern voice. "Yes, Mom," I reply as I walk toward my room. This is not fair that I'm being punished for something I didn't do I can't talk to Roxy for 5 months he is going to break up with me. Boris stop it Roxy loves you he will understand I thought in mind. Then my pup tag blinked it was Roxy. "Hey, Bori you want to go on a date with me tomorrow?" He asked. "Rox, I'm sorry but I am grounded for 5 months," I reply with a sad tone. "Why? What did you do my love?" He asked. "Supposedly I hit my sister Lura when I didn't know that I didn't," I reply. "That's bullshit that you're grounded for something you didn't do," he replied. "I know but I got to go if my mom finds out that I'm talking to someone I will be in more trouble. Bye Rox love you," I reply. "Ok, then I don't want you to get into more trouble so bye Bori I love you too," he replied as he hung up.

Author's note: hey Jimmy here I hope you enjoying the story so far how will Boris see Roxy and will he tell his parents about his relationship with Roxy? Find out in Run Away Rocky (a Marshall x Rocky love story)

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