Chapter 9; Thrushwing

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"Obviously you like some cat and think that by belittling me will make you look more impressive!" Thornclaw yelled. Thrushwing growled, annoyed.

"He thinks he is the most important cat in the entire clan. Well, nobody seems to get very close to him." Thrushwing twitched. Graystar stood on top of gathering hill.

"Sunclan fought well, but, sadly, we lost our amazing deputy. So, on to our new deputy. This cat is a fairly new warrior, and hasn't had an apprentice yet, though they will after I name them. They were close to Jaggedtooth and really cared about him." Out of the corner of her eye, Thrushwing noticed Thornclaw quickly grooming his pelt. Ha! As if he would be made deputy! It would probably be Oakpelt. His father, Jaggedtooth's brother, died a moon before he was born. His mother died a moon after he was born. Jaggedtooth and his mate adopted Oakpelt a moon before Thornclaw was born. That happened around the same tine Thrushwing was born. "Our new deputy is... Thrushwing!" Graystar exclaimed. Thrushwing looked around, shocked.

-=-=-after the meeting-=-=-

As dawn broke, Thrushwing smiled at her new apprentice, Littlepaw. Oakpelt was given Harepaw and Thornclaw got Yellowpaw. Thrushwing thought for a moment. "You can wait until sunhigh to start training, right? A tired mentor is no fun!" Thrushwing joked. Littlepaw laughed a little and nodded, talking with Harepaw, who was also waiting until sunhigh. Thornclaw unwittingly decided to take a slightly tired but nonetheless excited Yellowpaw out to practice fighting techniques, shooting Thrushwing a glare. Thrushwing quickly sorted small patrols amongst the warriors who had gotten better sleep. Finally, Oakpelt and Thrushwing tiredly flopped into their nests, falling asleep.

-=-=-about sunhigh-ish-=-=-

Thrushwing woke up, blinking the sleep from her eyes. Light filtered in, streaming in beautiful patterns. She noticed it wasn't sunhigh quite yet, so she snatched a blackbird and ate it, lying in the sun. After she finished, her purple eyes traced the clearing for her apprentice. There's Littlepaw! Thrushwing stood up and padded over. "Are you ready to see the territory?" Thrushwing asked her eager apprentice.

"You bet!" Littlepaw happily exclaimed. Harepaw, Oakpelt, and, too Thrushwing's surprise, Yellowpaw and Thornclaw, padded over.

"Thornclaw, you really shouldn't take Yellowpaw out again. Look at how tired he is!" Thrushwing exclaimed. Yellowpaw's eyes were half closed and he was slowly trailing behind Thornclaw.

"I will take my apprentice out when I like so that he will build up stamina! You never know when you will need to go patrol the borders after a battle!" Thornclaw huffed.

"Fine, whatever, but for Starclan's sake, don't go with us! Your attitude will rub off on our apprentices!" Thrushwing replied sharply.

"But I want to have fun with my sisters!" Yellowpaw complained. "I've been working hard since dawn!"

"You know what, Thornclaw? You stay in camp. We'll take care of your apprentice!" Thrushwing snapped, leading the apprentices out of camp, Oakpelt in the back.

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