Chapter 17; Thrushwing

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Thrushwing sat down next to Silverwing with a vole. She took a bite, but instead of deciding it was delicious, it felt dry and tasteless. She finished quickly and began to pace. They had to get Thornclaw back! But they were low enough on warriors as it was. What they needed was another clan's help.

Oakstar, who became a leader last night, stood up on gathering hill. As all the clan gathered, he yowled out to anyone who didn't notice he was there. "Tonight is the gathering! I will take Sunpelt, Yellowpaw, Littlepaw, Harepaw, Lightglare, and Thrushwing."

"Why such a small patrol?" a cat called out.

"Treeclan may attack us," Oakstar sighed. "Also, our new deputy will be Sunpelt."

"Sunpelt! Sunpelt! Sunpelt!" Thrushwing called out half-heartedly, joining her clanmates. She went to take a nap before the gathering. As she fell asleep, she realized she was in a starry forest. She walked around a little before hearing Thornclaw's voice. She was running towards him, but realized soon he was with his parents. He wasn't dead, right? No, he didn't have any stars in his pelt. Thrushwing relaxed.

"Thornclaw, son. Your going to be a father," Jaggedtooth said.

Thrushwing gasped as Thornclaw disappeared. Jaggedtooth beckoned her over, looking right at his former apprentice.

"It's true," Jaggedtooth nodded as she came out of the bushes. "You're expecting kits. It will take a few days for Brightherb to realize it, because it would've taken a moon or two, but we have had to help her. She didn't realize Silverfeather was expecting until the day before it was announced. She should've known almost half a moon prior." As they started to fade, Thrushwing let it sink in. She was going to be a mother.

She padded outside and saw the cats chosen for the gathering right next to the entrance. They hurriedly left. As they entered the gathering, Thrushwing immediately sought out Creekheart. She saw the young cat and hurried over. "Creekheart, I need your help."

Creekheart looked at her, alarmed. "What's wrong?"

"S-so Brightherb got a prophecy saying that we were going to be destroyed by Treeclan. So we had to attack. It resulted in some death and they took Thornclaw prisoner! And-and then I got a dream from Starclan, and I'm expecting kits! Thornclaw has to come back soon!" Thrushwing hissed quietly.

Creekheart nodded sympathetically. "I'll have my leader meet up with yours. Hey! We could ask Batear!" Thrushwing nodded and hurried to find Batear.

When they finally found their Moorclan friend, the gathering was about to begin. As quickly as she could, Thrushwing explained what happened.

Batear smiled sympathetically. "I'll get my leader to help to.

~a few days later~

Thrushwing walked behind Oakstar, sorrow filling her heart as she glanced over towards the Treeclan territory. She hoped that Thornclaw was being treated alright. As she continued to follow her leader, she perked up at the scents of Batear and Creekheart, as well as their leaders. As Thrushwing entered the clearing with Oakstar, she could tell Creekheart really should've stayed in camp, as the she-cat was close to kitting. Thrushwing sat down, ready for anything. "We attack tonight," Rabbitstar proposed suddenly.

Goldenstar nodded. "I guess that's reasonable..."

"Alright. It's settled. Meet here at sunset with a good amount of warriors. Then we'll storm the camp." Oakstar decided. They headed back to camp after the brief meeting.

-=-=-at sunset-=-=-

Thrushwing impatiently paced in front of Treeclan's camp. They were setting up a medicine area, just in case. She could just make out Thornclaw's pelt. Frustration pricked her pelt as she unsheathed her claws. "Can we go now?" she hissed quietly to Oakstar, who rolled his eyes playfully. 

"One moment," he mewed, turning to the other two leaders. "Are you ready?"

They nodded. Thrushwing smiled. "Great, lets go!" Warriors pelted down to the entrance. Arrogant furballs, she thought, noticing the lack of guards.

They raced into camp and Thrushwing pulled to the front. She didn't stop running until she was in front of Thornclaw. He sleepily looked up, blinking his eyes. Suddenly, he jumped up. "Thrushwing!" he mewed happily. Suddenly, cats peered out of their dens.

"INVASION!" they yowled.


I was going to write more for you two readers unless there are more...

But I couldn't wait to publish another chapter!!

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