Chapter 11; Thrushwing

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Thrushwing brushed past the fern entrance and saw Thornclaw padding over. "Thrushwing, I'm really sorry for earlier," Thornclaw apologized.

"It's okay, I guess..." Thrushwing shrugged. The border patrol returned back to camp.

"Uh, Thrushwing?" Yellowheart, the leader of the patrol, muttered in her ear. "Moorclan scent was over our border. Just a few pawsteps, but we thought you should know."

Thrushwing nodded. "Thank you," she nodded, hurrying to the leader's den. "Graystar!" Thrushwing exclaimed. "Yellowheart's patrol found Moorclan scent on our side of the border!"

"Are you suggesting we attack?" Graystar asked.

"No, warn them at the Gathering tomorrow," Thrushwing mewed. Graystar nodded.

-=-=-at the gathering-=-=-

Thrushwing waited patiently behind Graystar before streaming into the gathering's clearing. She saw Creekheart. "Hey! I can't talk now, you'll find out why soon," Thrushwing mewed quickly, sitting down under the gathering hill. Graystar stepped forward.

"Sunclan has been through a lot this moon!" he started. "Jaggedtooth has died, and Thrushwing is the new deputy!"

"Thrushwing! Thrushwing! Thrushwing!" The cats called.

"Also, we have a new warrior, Thornclaw!"

"Thornclaw! Thornclaw! Thornclaw!"

"Also, we would like Moorclan and Treeclan to know we won't tolerate our borders being crossed," Graystar turned his attention to Birchstar. "Especially when they murder our deputy."

Birchstar glared at Graystar as the stone-colored tom sat down, wrapping his tail around his paws. The brown leader stood up. "Treeclan lost a warrior, Bluetail, after being viciously att-" Birchstar was broken off with the other three leader's glares. He sighed. "After invading Sunclan for no reason." Moorclan and Stoneclan gasped, glaring at Treeclan. "Treeclan has nothing else to report." Birchstar sat down, and Goldenstar stood up.

"Flowerbloom has had 3 kits, and Jaykit has become Jaypaw!" the golden she-cat reported.

"Jaypaw! Jaypaw! Jaypaw!"

Goldenstar sat down and Rabbitheart stood up. "Rogues invaded, but we drove them off. Sadly, we lost Smallstar in the process. Sunclan, we apologize for crossing the border, a new apprentice has been taking care of the elders lately. Speaking of which, Crystalkit has become Crystalpaw, and Hoppaw and Finchpaw has become Hopear and Finchsong. Gathering ended." Rabbitstar leaped down after the cheers ended. Thrushwing padded over to Creekheart.

"Congratulations on becoming deputy! Also, I want to tell you something," Creekheart added after Thrushwing murmured her thanks. "Even Goldenstar doesn't know yet. I am expecting kits!"

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