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(Warning: (obviously) sexual content)

Mika's POV:

I am sitting in my room with Bose right now while Miles was at a yoga class. Yes, I know he just likes to wear the pants, but I guess he wanted to actually give yoga another shot.

Anyway, I was trying to figure out what Bose and I could do together for the afternoon. I was trying to think about all the stuff we have done, and try to come up with something new. Then, I looked down at my boots, and I got an idea.

Me: "I have an idea on what we could do together."

Bose: "Whatcha got?"

Me: "Have you heard of roleplay?"

Bose: "A few times, why?"

Me: "Well, I was thinking that you and I could actually do some together."

Bose: "Hmm, that's actually a pretty good idea, but what will we roleplay as?"

Me: "It could go a little something like this: I play a girl who has struggled with her homework for the past few days, and you could play the friend who helps my character with her homework. But, there's a twist: I give you a certain amount of time to complete it, I leave the room, and this is how the roleplay will actually start: I come back when the time runs out, and I see that you're not finished with the homework, but because you're also struggling with it, and just for fun, I decide to punish you for not being able to finish the homework, but only if you're up for that part."

Bose: "Sure, I'm up for that, but what kind of punishment?"

Me: "The punishment might involve these."

I hold my boots out in front of him to show how his character's punishment might go.

Bose: "Ooo, that's pretty creative, but what should our characters' names be?"

Me: "Hmm, maybe my character name can be...'Beth," and your character name could be...'Cameron.'"

Bose: "Those are pretty good names."

Me: "Thank you, and real quick, do you have any questions before we start?"

Bose: "Hmm, I can't think of any."

Me: "Cool, let's get set up here."

I pull up a desk and chair for Bose's character to sit in, and I hand him a blank piece of paper for him to pretend that it's his character's friend's homework.

Me: "Alright, now keep in mind, my character will get a little aggressive, but you probably already knew from the way I explained my character."

Bose: "Yeah."

Me: "Alright, I think we're good to go."

Bose: "Great, I'm totally ready."

Me: "Perfect, roleplay starts now."

I say as I run out of the room.

Bose's POV:

When the roleplay starts, I get pretty excited. I actually couldn't wait to see what the punishment that my character will get is. So right now, I am in my character, and I'm pretending to try and fill out the homework, but also struggling at the same time.

I hear Mika coming back into the room as her character, and I could barely contain my excitement.

Mika (as Beth): "Unbelievable, Cameron, you're still not done with my homework?"

Me (as Cameron): "I'm sorry, Beth, I'm trying, but I can't really understand this stuff."

Mika (as Beth): "You're supposed to be the smartest person in that class, and you can't even do this for me?"

Me (as Cameron): "Actually...I'm not the smartest person in the class. I just pretend that I am so that everyone will like me."

Mika (as Beth): " lied to me?!"

Me (as Cameron): "I'm sorry, Beth, I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

Mika (as Beth): "You could've just admitted you weren't smart instead of wasting my time with your lies."

Me (as Cameron): "...You're right, I don't know what I was thinking."

Mika (as Beth): "You weren't thinking, but I think that it won't look good for you if this gets out."

As my character (Cameron), I get up and get on my knees in front of Mika (Beth).

Me (Cameron): "No, please, Beth, don't tell anyone. Please don't let anyone find out about all this. I'm so sorry I lied to you. I'll do anything to keep this from getting out, anything!"

I (as Cameron) hang my head down in shame and pretend to start crying.

Mika's POV:

This roleplay is going pretty great so far. I had no idea that Bose was such a great actor, and for some reason, it made me not want to go so hard on him.

I had originally planned for my character to step on Bose's character with my boots and make his character clean the soles of them with his mouth, but now, I think it's better to just make him (as his character) kiss them.

The roleplay continues...

Me (as Beth): "Anything, you say?"

Bose (as Cameron): *pretend tearfully* "Yes, anything, just please, don't tell anyone that I've been lying to them."

I (as Beth) gently grab his chin and make him look up at me.

Me (as Beth): "Alright, Cameron, I won't tell anyone, but only on one condition: you must do exactly what I'm about to say, and you must do it right."

Bose (as Cameron): "Yes, of course, anything. Just tell me what you want me to do, and I will do it, I promise."

I (as Beth) sit down on the bed and hold my boots out in front of Bose (as Cameron).

Me (as Beth): "Kiss my boots."

Without hesitation, Bose (as Cameron) gets on both his hands and knees and applies proper kisses to my boots, and I (as Beth) smile deviously while watching Bose (as Cameron) obey my (Beth's) orders like a good boy.

After about 30 seconds, I (as Beth) raise my boots up for Bose (as Cameron) to kiss the soles, and surprisingly, Bose himself is actually good at kissing my boots.

Maybe we should do this more often, as ourselves. I don't know, maybe if we ever get to spend more time together. Anyway, as our characters, he is still kissing my boot soles, and I then tell him to stop.

Me (as Beth): "You've done well, Cameron. Maybe you are smart after all; you really know how to kiss my boots."

Bose (as Cameron): "Thank you, Beth. It was an honor to serve at your boots, and I promise I won't lie to you ever again."

Me (as Beth): "Nah, forget about that. This was only a one-time thing, I won't make you do this again if you don't want to."

Bose (as Cameron): "Still, I promise I will be a better friend."

Me (as Beth): "Thank you for being honest with me."

I (as Beth) pick up Bose (as Cameron) off the ground, and I give him a hug. He hugs me back, and during that moment, I think the both of us broke character, just enjoying every bit of that warm hug. After some time, we let go.

Me: "And...end of roleplay."

Bose: "That was fun."

Me: "It really was, what did you like the most about it?"

Bose: "Admittedly, I really like when your character made my character kiss your boots."

Me: "I actually really like that part, too."

Bose: "Maybe we should do that more often, but as ourselves."

Me: "Funny, I was thinking the same thing."

Bose: "Great minds think alike."

Me: "Yes, that's very true."

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