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Bose's POV:

It's already been a year since Mika and I first started dating. I couldn't believe how much time was flying by. The best part about it is I can finally give Mika the gift I bought for her a few days before: a pair of boots she's always wanted.

Ones kind of similar to these

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Ones kind of similar to these. ⬆

(These type of boots were worn by Mika in episodes 8, 9 and 10 of Season 3, but I couldn't find an exact image)

About an hour later

Mika's POV:

Bose and I were at my house, celebrating our one-year anniversary. A lot of people came to the house to celebrate with us, which was really nice of them, but I was especially happy to be with my Bosey. Some of the gifts we were given were really nice, but I was excited to give Bose the gift I had bought for him.

(I'm too lazy to think of something)

Bose wanted to save his gift to me for last because he said it was "extra special." I got really excited when he said that. When it came time for him to hand me my gift, I was getting more and more eager to open it. When I did, I could not believe what was now in front me: it was that pair of boots I've always wanted to get.

I've always wanted them, and now, they were finally in front of me.

Bose: "Happy anniversary, Mika."

I couldn't think of what to say because I was too happy. I gave Bose a big hug, and he hugged me back. When we pulled away, I kissed him.

Me: "Happy anniversary, honey."

The both of us shared a long kiss while everyone else cheered. When we pulled away, I took the boots out of their box and put them on. They look so amazing on me.

(Sorry this one is so short, I didn't have a lot in mind)

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