Sleepover (Part 2)

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(Warning: sexual content, swearing)

Bose's POV:

I slowly woke up to find that it was already morning. I see that Mika is still sleeping, and I immediately smile. I softly kiss her forehead, and her beautiful eyes flutter open.

Me: *softly* "Morning, Mika."

Mika: *smiling* "Morning, Bosey."

Me: "Did you have a nice sleep?"

Mika: "Mm-hmm, did you?"

Me: "Yep."

The both of us lean in for a kiss, and we sit up in bed. I look at my phone to see that it's a little past nine.

Me: "What should we do today?"

Mika: "Not sure, but we have 'till noon before I have to go back home, so we have plenty of time."

Me: "Mm, that's true."

Mika and I both get out of bed and go downstairs. No one else was here, so we decided to make some breakfast. When we were finished with it, we went back upstairs to get dressed.

Mika's POV:

As Bose and I are getting our change of clothes together, I remember something we did last night: I remembered that I let him play with my chest, and I said that I might let him go a little farther sometime in the future. Well, I saw this moment as a perfect opportunity to let him go further. I was a little nervous, but I managed to bring it up.

Me: "Hey, Bose, can I ask you something?"

Bose: "Of course, Mika. You can ask me anything."

Me: "Okay, well...remember last night when I let you play with my chest?"

Bose: "Yeah, I remember. It felt really good to do."

Me: *slightly chuckles* "Yeah, you remember when I said that I might let you go a little further soon?"

Bose: "Yeah..."

Me: " does now sound?"

Bose turns around to face me.

Bose: "You wanna let me go further now?"

Me: "Yeah, well, I mean...if you're still up for it."

Bose: "Oh, yeah, of course I'm still up for it."

Me: "Okay, good, did feel really good when you played with my chest at the time."

Bose: "Yeah, we can definitely start now."

Me: *giggles* "Good."

Bose and I set our clothes down. I decide to let him take off my shirt and my pants until I'm in my bra and underwear. Bose and I sit down on the floor. He moves up closer to me, and I let him put his hands on my chest again. It felt really good when he was playing with my boobs, and I could tell he felt the same way.

I took off my bra to let him get a better feel. When he did, his face grew bigger with excitement, and so did my face. I could feel his grasp, and I did not want him to stop. After about a minute, I let him take off my underwear. When he did, he was even more excited to see my bare area.

He slowly rubs his hand around it, and at this point, I'm pretty much clinging to the side of the bed.

Me: *moans* "Fuck, you're so good at that, honey."

Bose: "Shall I keep going?"

I nod at a fast pace.

Me: "Yes, please."

Bose continues to rub around my area with one hand, and he rubs my cleavage with his other hand. I'm moaning at a faster pace now.

Me: "Please, please keep going! Please don't stop!"

Bose: *chuckles* "Yes, baby."

That felt good when he called me that. As he continued to rub my area, I felt like I was gonna burst at any moment. But then, without warning, Bose sticks his fingers inside me.

Me: *moans louder* "Fuck! Keep going, honey! I need you!"

Bose smiles deviously as he keeps moving his fingers all around in my area. I felt myself begin to orgasm, and then, I came. I took one last final breath before the feeling went away. I released my grasp from the side of the bed, and Bose takes his fingers out of me. They're covered in my juices.

Bose smiles again as he begins to lick his fingers clean. He is amazed by the taste. When he's done, he gives me my bra and underwear, and I put them back on.

Me: "That was so awesome. You were so good, honey."

Bose: "It felt really good to feel inside you. You tasted so good, too."

Me: *giggles* "Thank you."

Bose and I gather up our change of clothes. We face away from each other, even though Bose had just seen me naked, as we change out of our old clothes and into new ones. When we were done, we decided to find out what else we could do with the time we had left together.

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