Fun At The Fair

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(Warning: sexual content)

Mika's POV:

Today was gonna be a really special day for Bose and I. The annual Swellview fun fair was gonna be happening all day, and we decided it would be a perfect date for the both of us. We were gonna ask Chapa and Miles if they wanted to tag along, but they both said they had other things to do. Fine by me.

Right now, Bose and I are walking through the streets of Swellview until we reach the fair. When we see it, it's huge. It looks a little bigger than when it was up last year.

Bose: "Wow, they put up a lot this year."

Me: "Yeah, can't wait to check it all out."

Bose: "Same."

Bose and I take each other's hand and walk through the entrance of the fair. We got tickets as soon as we entered, and we were trying to figure out what we could do first. We first tried out one of the fair games, which was shooting the water into the clown's mouth to inflate the balloon above it.

(Hopefully, you all know what game I'm talking about)

Bose and I are tied with the amount of water in our balloons, and soon, both of our balloons pop at the same time. According to the game runner, that meant we both won. There were a bunch of different prizes to choose from, and we finally settled on two giant stuffed animals. They weren't hard to carry around, but they did feel really soft.

After some time, we decided to hit the Ferris Wheel. When we got on, we started moving. Of course, we knew that it would stop eventually to let more people on each car of the Ferris Wheel. That was fine with us, because that meant more time for ourselves. It wasn't long before we got to the very top, and we were enjoying the view.

Bose: "This is nice."

Me: "Yeah, just the two of us at the very top. This day is perfect."

Bose: "Not as perfect as you are."

This made me smile and blush.

Me: "Aww, Bosey."

Bose and I share a long kiss. At some point, I could feel Bose put his hand on my chest. I moaned slightly at the feeling, then I took his hand and put it on my crotch. When he placed a little pressure on it, I moaned a little more. I tried to say this while we were still kissing...

Me: *moans* "Keep going."

Bose nods and continues to apply a little pressure down there. He starts to build up the amount of pressure on my crotch, and I start to moan a bit more. I suddenly got an idea. I reached down to grab his hand again, and this time, I put it down inside my shorts. When I did, I could feel Bose stick his fingers inside of me.

As he was moving them around inside me, I was almost at the point where I couldn't take anymore. The feeling of Bose pleasuring me down there was getting to me so much, and I knew that I was bound to explode soon. Sure enough, I started to feel the wave of orgasm wash over me, which caused me to moan louder, and it wasn't long before I suddenly felt wet down there.

When it was all over, Bose took his fingers out from inside me, and when he took them out from inside my shorts, we both saw how much was on them. We were both pretty surprised. I was about to tell Bose that he should see what I taste like, but I think he just read my mind, because he started to suck his fingers clean.

When he was done, I could tell Bose loved the way I taste.

Bose: "Wow, that was...delicious."

Me: *giggles* "I knew you'd like it."

Bose smiles as he and I kiss again. Suddenly, we felt the Ferris Wheel start to move again, and soon, we were at the bottom. When Bose and I got off, we walked around some more to find what else to do.

I know this night wasn't over yet, but already, the best part about it was Bose getting me off. I seriously hope we can do it again after this.

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