Sleepover (Part 2) ((Edit))

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(In the original part 2, I forgot to add something to it, and I'm too lazy to just go back and change it, so I'm doing it on this page. Btw, this chapter will bring up something that I'm sure no one else has ever even thought about. Enjoy!)

(Obvious warning: sexual content, swearing)

Mika's POV:

After Bose got me off, he took his fingers out of me, and started to lick them clean. He was amazed by the taste, and he was enjoying every bit of it. When we was done, he dried them on his shirt. I looked down, and I saw something that immediately caught my interest: Bose was hard.

I saw this as a perfect opportunity to return the favor. I started to tease him a little bit.

Me: "You really enjoyed this, didn't you?"

Bose: "Yeah, I enjoyed it so much."

Me: *giggles* "I can tell."

He looks at me, and I gesture down to this pants. He looks down and sees that he's hard. He looks a little embarrassed, but I assure him it's alright.

Me: "Maybe I can...return the favor?"

Bose's eyes widen.

Bose: "You mean...?"

Me: *giggles* "Mm-hmm, only if you want me to, though."

Bose: "Oh, definitely, you can totally do that."

Me: "Okay, good, because I know you've already had your breakfast, and it's time for me to have mine."

Bose immediately gets what I was saying.

Bose: *chuckles* "Well, then, Bon Appetit."

Bose starts to unzip his pants, but I stop him.

Me: "Wait...let me."

Bose smiles at this, and he lets me unzip his pants. I do that, and I move them a little bit, and his underwear, and I see how big it is. My eyes widen with excitement.

Me: "Jesus, baby, that's a big breakfast."

Bose: *giggles* "Make sure you eat all of it, there's a surprise at the end."

I was really enjoying our wordplay right now, but I was more eager to start for real. I took a deep breath, leaned in, shoved the whole thing into my mouth, and I started sucking.

With each suck I made, I could hear Bose moaning a little more each time. I couldn't wait for the "surprise" at the end.

Bose: "Oh, yes! Keep going! You're almost there!"

I slightly giggle while still trying to get Bose off.

Just as my jaws were starting to get tired, I hear Bose moan louder, and I knew what that meant. Pretty soon, I felt the hot cum enter my mouth.

Bose: "Fuck!!"

When I released my grip from Bose, I started to swallow everything I had in my mouth. It was a lot, and it took a few tries, but I eventually got it all down. It tasted amazing. Bose puts his pants back on.

Bose: "Did you enjoy that?"

Me: "I really did, so much. I'll admit, it was my very first time ever giving someone a blowjob, but right away, I was having the time of my life."

Bose: "Well, I'm glad you love it."

Me: "I wonder which one of us felt it more when we got off?" 

Bose: "Hmm, I'm not sure."

Me: "Other than that, though, it was amazing."

Bose: "Yeah, but there's one thing I don't get, though."

Me: "What's that?"

Bose: "Why do they call it a BLOW-job if what you're supposed to do is SUCK someone off?"

When he said that, I grew surprised. I never thought of it that way. He does have a good point.

Me: " not know. That's actually a good point."

Bose: "Yeah, some of the words in the English vocabulary make no sense."

Me: *giggles* "My smart Bosey."

Bose smiles and he and I kiss.

(He does have a point, though. We say a lot of things that don't really have logic in them. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this chapter edit!)

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