Arwyn & Danbury's

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Cardiff, Wales
Present Day

The twilight was slowly spreading throughout the night sky. As the darkness faded, Crowley woke up from his sleep, momentarily confused that he was in his Bentley at an ungodly hour.

After a few seconds, memories of last night started flooding his brain. He was experiencing some disbelief that he drove to Wales in the middle of the night.

He arrived in Cardiff around midnight and not a single soul was passing through Queen Street. He lacked the knowledge of whether he would find what he was looking for. However, it did not deter him from frantically searching the bookshop he had visited with the Angel.

At some point, he had spotted a sign of a small bookshop with coffee tables outside.

"Arwyn  & Danbury's"

Crowley's eyes were distorted. He was uncertain how that old dusty bookshop had survived the passage of time.

He illegally parked his car right outside of it. He carefully examined the exterior of the bookstore.  Even though his memory did not retain any dreary knowledge, such as earthly addresses, he could swear that he had the location down. Even the Bentley was confident that they arrived at the right place.

Still, the building appeared to be entirely renovated. The previously rotting stone wall was replaced by a steady blue brick wall. The windows did not appear. to be fragile anymore, and they were even painted with book figures. And the door would not injure anyone, just by knocking on it.

For a brief moment, he contemplated breaking into the store and finding the answers he was looking for. Yet, he was intrigued to learn more about the history of the shop. Hence, he got comfortable, and in his exhaustion, he fell asleep within minutes.

Now he was awake. He explored his surroundings. Some people were opening their businesses, but the bookstore remained closed. It did not require many misfortunes for Crowley to be frustrated in the early mornings. Ergo, it was no surprise that he felt a surge of fury rising in me.

With great annoyance, he grabbed the book for the passenger seat, hastily got out of the car, and slammed the door behind him. He approached the store and leaned his head towards the windows, trying to get a better look.

"Can I help you sir?" said a voice behind him.

Crowley rolled his eyes. He sighed and turned around with grace.

"I don't know, can you?" he asked.

Crowley was confronted by a good-looking middle-aged man. He was dressed as someone who would be working in a bookshop; shirt and tie with a cardigan on top, black pants, and sharp old-fashioned shoes. He was also holding 5 heavy books without particularly struggling.

"Considering you are staring inside the shop, I think I might," he said with a polite tone in his voice.

"Oh, this is your shop?" said Crowley while pointing at the name sign on the top of the building.

"Yes, sir. I am Rhys Arwyn. Well, technically it is still my father's shop. But he retired earlier this. Is it him you are looking for?" he said.

Crowley was impressed that Rhys managed to maintain a kind attitude even though his own tone was dry and sarcastic.

"No, he is not who I am looking for. Actually, I think I am looking for your business partner...Mr. Danbury?" said Crowley.

Rhys immediately made a puzzling face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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