Chapter 2

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Today is the day we escape and I am more than nervous. Over the past few days my mom and I have been discretely packing up or belongings into bags to take with us. I began packing up my most valuable possessions and sigh. I look around the empty room and memories flood back to me.


"Daddy!" I yell excitedly. As I see him walking through my door.

My dad crouches down on his knees.

"Hey honey, how are you?" He says as he picks me up and swings me into his arms.

"I'm good! I'm glad your back daddy I missed you!" I exclaim

"I missed you to. I love you so much." He says

End of flashback

I miss those days before he became an alcoholic. He was such a great dad before I just wish he never got addicted. Shaking these thoughts out of my head I focus on the task at hand. My mom decided that we should get as far away from him as possible so she suggested we moved somewhere in the country. It would be pretty impossible to find us in a small country house in the middle of nowhere. I hear the door open and look up and it's my mom with a large present in her hand. This means it's either Christmas or my birthday. Since there is no snow on the ground it must be my birthday.
Smiling she hands me the gift "Happy 15th birthday!"

Slowly I tear off the wrapping paper and gasp when I see what's inside.

"Mom, how did you get this?" I yell as a stand up and embrace her into a hug.

"I found the receipt for the pawn store your father sold your signed guitar to and I went there and bought it back for you." She states

"Thank you so much mom I love you so much!" I babble as tears start to form in my eyes. This probably took months for my mom to save up to buy.

"Anything for my baby. Now finish packing so we can get out of here once and for all." She sighs "I am going to miss all the amazing memories we had here. But that's over now and we are going to make new memories at our new home." She says smiling sadly.

"I love you Ally." My mom says.

"Love you too mom!" I say as I hug her again.

A few hours later we had everything packed up in the car and ready to leave. Dad was probably still at the bar so we had plenty of time to get out of here. We decided to take one final walk through of the house. Each room held memories good and bad and we reminisced about everything when suddenly we heard a door slam.

"Shit" I heard my mom whisper yell. She quickly got up and slowly tip toed down the stairs trying to see if it was my dad. All of a sudden I heard my father's booming voice and my heart dropped.

"Why the hell is there stuff packed into the car!" He screamed.

He must be drunk because I can hear him stumble around. My mom quickly ran back upstairs to where I was and sprinted into my bedroom.
"Ally come here now! Open the window and get out of here. Grab the tree and climb down now. I am going to try to distract your dad so you can get in the car and then I will make a run for it!" My mother whispered.

Quickly following her directions I ran to the window and grabbed the tree and reached the ground. I ran to the car and quickly hopped in. A few seconds after I made my way to the car I heard a scream. It didn't sound like my mother's so that was a good sign. My mom appeared in the window and she quickly climbed out the window and made her way to the car. Just as my mom got into the car my father screamed. "I am going to kill you! Don't think you can get away from me I will find you wherever you go!" The car lurched forward as my mom gunned it down the street. We escaped.

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