Chapter 15

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Ally's POV

The next few days after the phone call were the worst of my life. Sure, I got new hope that they would find my mom but waiting was slowly killing me. Every day I waited to get word from the police that they found my mother. But nothing has happened yet, my thoughts seem to be spiraling out of control and the only coherent thought that I can process is that she could be dead. Each day the possibility of her being dead or killed went up drastically. I'm just hoping the police can find her before he kills her. A few hours after the chilling call from my dad the police called to say that the phone call gave them a location just not an exact one. Apparently they are somewhere Illinois. They have been searching but I haven't heard anything else about the investigation. Being in Illinois was their only lead I just hope thats enough for them to be able to track them down.

Sawyer's POV

Everyday you could see the hope diminish on everyone's faces, including my families. After the police discovered that they were somewhere in Illinois all our hopes rose. We all thought that she could be found soon, but so far there hasn't been any news on them. I'm really worrying about Ally though she hasn't touched a piece of food in 3 days. She has dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep, and it's even hard to get her to talk. But on July 14 about a week after the phone call we heard a knock on the door.

Ally's POV

We were all sitting on the couch trying to relax but failing when we heard someone knocking on the door. Mrs. Fredericks walked over and opened the door leading the guest into the living room. A uniformed officer made his way into the middle of the room.

"I got radioed by one of my fellow officers and we got word that Diane Fitch has been found along with Jessie Fitch."

My heart completely stopped. Did he just say what I thought he said.

"Is she okay?" I quickly ask.

"She is being taken to the hospital at the moment. She seems to be unconscious so hopefully she wakes up soon."

"What hospital is she at?"

He told us the hospital and we all quickly made our way to the car. We were going to drive to Illinois to see her, a 14 hour drive. I'm so excited to finally see her again after these last weeks without her and I'm relieved that I can stop worrying about what he could be doing to her. I can just relax. On the drive over to the hospital everyone was in high spirits. I was sitting in the back right next to Sawyer and we all listened to the radio and sang the songs as obnoxiously as we could. Halfway through the ride we all fell asleep, well everyone except the driver. The next time we woke we were in the parking lot of the hospital.

We all got out of the car and practically ran to the entrance of the building. I just wanted this nightmare to be over and it seems that I finally am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I walked up to the receptionist and told her

"We are here to see Diane Fitch what room is she in?"

"I'm sorry only family is allowed and it's room 214." She responds without even looking up.

I roll my eyes at her rudeness and scoff"Ok thank you."

"Just sign this." She says pointing at the clipboard with what I assume to be a visitors log. I quickly scribble my name and walk over to the Fredericks. I tell them that only family is allowed. Mrs. Fredericks said it was ok and gave me quick hug. She led them over to the waiting area where they all took a seat. While I began walking down the oddly quiet hall of the hospital. All I could here was the muffled talking of nurses and doctors, and the slow beeping of machines. I read the numbers of the doors until I finally reached room 214. I was about to open the door when suddenly someone swung open the door. I realized that it was a doctor and as soon as he saw me he stopped.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm her daughter." I say gesturing to the now shut door.

"You're Diane's daughter?" He questions.


He sighs and in that moment I know something is wrong. When doctors sigh it's never a good thing.

"Before you go in I want to tell you that Diane received various blows to the head, and has received multiple broken bones. Through which I expect to be some form of torture. I just want to warn you though that she received so many blows to the head that she has swelling in her brain and she is in a coma."

I really thought I reached the end of this nightmare, but apparently this is just the beginning.

(A/N- Sorry I know that the coma thing is kind of cliche. Bringing the coma into the story though will make it go on longer. I don't want to end this story yet! Also, when I do finish writing this do you want a sequel? If so leave a comment so I know you guys do. Please vote, comment, and share!

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