Chapter 16

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Ally's POV

I let out an exasperated sigh, why can't something in my life go right for once. I thought I was going to get my mom back finally, and of course when I get here she's in a fricken coma. Tears start forming in my eyes and I take in a deep breath before walking into my mother's room. As soon as I open the door I let out a cry. She is lying in the hospital bed with multiple tubes helping her breathe. Bruises scatter her face up and down her forearms, and her arms are casted which I assume to be the result of them being broken. I walk over to the side of my mom's bed and take a seat. I grab my mother's hand which is unusually cold and cry. I cry for my mom and everything she must have went through. A few minutes later I put my head in my hands and just pray. I pray that my mom will be ok, and that this chapter of our life will finally be over and we can finally be happy like we always should have. Why this happened? I don't know but it must be for a reason. I wipe the tears from my eyes and force myself to stop crying, and know somewhere inside of me that she will be ok. She always is. She has always been the strong one and I doubt she'll stop now. A light knock on the door disrupts my thoughts and I look up to see the doctor that I ran into when I got here.

"How are you doing?" He lightly asks

I sigh running my finger through my hair "I'm ok; I just hope she will be." I look over to my mom who is completely motionless except the constant breathing that's aided by the machine.

"How long do you think she will be in a coma for?"

"Your mom is a very strong women and I'm sure that she will be okay. But a coma can last days, weeks, or months. There is really no way to accurately determine how long a coma will last. The swelling in her brain will begin to go down and after it does she most likely will wake up. Like I said though, you never really know."

"So what other injuries does she have besides swelling in the brain?" I ask

He moves over and sits in the chair next to me running his hands through his slightly grey hair.

"I know it's hard for you to hear but she has gone through a lot. She has bruises around her wrists which suggests she was tied down for a long period of time. One of her arms is fractured which I'm not quite sure the cause is, and her other arm is completely broken. We casted both so the fractured one will heal in about 6 weeks, the completely broken one will heal in about 8 weeks. Other than that she just has major bruising which will heal pretty shortly." He solemnly tells me.

"Thank you for taking care of her."

He laughs "That's my job isn't it." Something buzzes and he looks down to what I assume to be a pager and he quickly gets up. "I have to go take care of one of my other patients. You can call a nurse if you need anything." He quickly rushes out the door.

Looking over at my mom again I fill with rage. She is almost unrecognizable and to believe my dad the man I looked up to growing up caused this much damage and harm to her makes me shake with anger. I hope he rots in prison cell for the rest of his miserable life; I just don't get how he could have broken her arms, and caused so much trauma to put her in a coma and not feel remorse. It's scary to think that he once was someone that meant something to me and someone who I cared about. But looking at my bruised and beaten mom all those feelings fly away. He may be my biological father but he isn't my dad anymore he never will be again, he lost that privilege. He is a sick person.

(A/N- I'm back! Sorry it's been so long I apologize. I will try to update regularly again. If you enjoyed this chapter please vote, comment, and share! Thanks for reading :D Also thank you so much for 1k reads!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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