Chapter 11

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Sawyer and I both made our way back to our houses. It's just beginning to get dark, and the moon is just starting to appear in the sky. As I near the house still soaked, from my little "swim" in the water I see that the lights of the house are on. Crap, I knew I forgot something. I should have left a note or called my mom to let her know where I was. I left my phone at the house when I left for dinner so if she did call me then I wouldn't have known. She must be worried sick, hopefully she doesn't think The Monster kidnapped me. I silently make my way to the door and as soon as I open it I hear my mom yell.

"Ally, oh my gosh I was looking everywhere for you. Are you okay? Where were you? And why are you sopping wet?"

I knew this was going to happen. Sighing I respond "Yeah mom I'm okay, and I was just with Sawyer we were fishing. And I fell into the pond so that's why I'm soaked."

"Ally you can't just leave and not tell me about it." She screams "I was worried sick about you! I looked everywhere for you, and when I couldn't find you I thought he took you!"

"Sorry mom I forgot to tell you that I was going over to the Fredericks' house, and I left my phone here when I left so I couldn't call you. I'm really sorry." I say.

"From now on you are not to go anywhere without my permission. You know that we need to be careful, for all we know he could be right outside!" She says gesturing to the door. "Promise me that whenever you go somewhere you tell me where you're going, and when you're going to be back. I can't risk losing you" She says with tears in her eyes.

"I promise mom" I sigh.

"Okay now go get out of those wet clothes before you get sick." She orders.

I take a quick shower, and change into some new clothes. After that I lie down in bed and look at my phone.

36 missed calls from mom

24 texts from mom

At this point I feel terrible, I knew that she would freak out but not this much. I put my phone back down until I hear it go off. I look down and see its Sawyer.



"Hey :)" I respond

"Want to come over and watch a movie?" He asks.

"Sorry, I can't my mom kind of freaked out when I came home. I didn't tell her I was going to go over and have dinner with you guys, and that we were going fishing."

"It's okay sorry I got you in trouble XD" He responds.

"I can come over tomorrow and we can watch the movie then. Is that okay?"I ask

"Sounds good :D See you tomorrow!" He texts back.

"Can't wait, thanks for the great day ;) Goodnight!"

A few seconds later he texts back "Goodnight <3"

The next day I wake up at around nine in the morning. By this time mom has already left for work, apparently today she has work until around ten at night. I get dressed and eat a quick breakfast before I text my mom.


"Hey mom I'm going to go over to the Fredericks' house and watch a movie, is that ok?" I ask

A few minutes later I get a text back from my mother "Yeah that's fine thanks for letting me know."

*End of Texting*

After that I decide to text Sawyer to see what time he wants me to come over to his house.


"Hey Sawyer :D Still up for watching a movie?"

Like always he sends me back a text within a few seconds saying "Yeah you can come over right now if you want. We got work done on the farm pretty quick today since there is not much to do."

"Be there in a few minutes." I reply

*End of Texting*

I make my way to their farm and knock on the door. A second later Sawyer appears with a smile plastered on his face. His golden hair is perfect as always, and his blue eyes are sparkling.

"Come in my lady." He says with a British accent

"Thank you, kind sir." I also say with a failing British accent.

He starts laughing hysterically, and so do I. We laugh at the stupidest things but oh well. We walk into the living room and he giddily runs to me with a movie in his hands.

"Ready to watch this?" He laughs.

"Sawyer there is no way that I am watching that." It's freaking Insidious that freaky horror movie. I'm such a scaredy cat when it comes those kinds of movies. There is no way that I am going to be able to watch this movie without having a freak-out session.

He laughs "I'm only kidding, we can watch this movie." He says as he holds up my favorite movie of all time. Monster Inc. I know it's a really childish movie but it's been my favorite ever since I was a little kid.

"I love that movie!" I squeal. "That's my favorite movie of all time."

He laughs "Okay let's watch it then."

It's a little more than halfway through the movie when I hear my phone ring. I pick my phone up to look who's calling and my heart stops.

Sawyer's POV

I look over at Ally and her face is as white as a ghost. She is just staring at her phone in some kind of trance.

"Ally what's wrong?"

She doesn't say anything she just turns the phone so I call see the caller ID it says Dad.

"What do I do?" She asks frantically.

"Just don't answer it." I respond trying to calm her down. A few rings later the phone stops ringing. Then her face gets even paler if that's even possible.

"He left a voicemail." She stutters.

She taps on it and her father's voice starts speaking.

"You guys think you could really get away from me" He laughs "But soon I will know where you guys are, I already hired a private investigator to find where you live; pretty soon I will be seeing you again. I'm looking forward to it." Then the line goes dead.

(A/N- Please vote if you enjoyed the chapter. I will update as often as possible)

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