Chapter 8

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I got back to the house at about 7 in the afternoon after the little farm tour Sawyer took me on. My mom was back from work and she cooked us some steak, and mashed potatoes, and corn. After that we just watched T.V. until it was at least 10 at night. My mom decided to go to bed after that because apparently working at a convenient store is pretty hard work. I turned the T.V. off because I didn't want to wake my mom because she had to work early in the morning tomorrow, and I went into my room. I grabbed my guitar, and phone and went outside again to the barn to play. A few minutes later I got a text from Sawyer.


"Are you playing guitar?" He asks.

"Yeah.....How do you know?"

Seconds later he types back "Because I can hear your playing from where I am outside."

I respond "Why are you outside at 10 at night?"

He texts back "The better question is why are you outside at 10?"

"Touché" I send back

"Hey want to come over to my house and we can play guitar and stuff?" He texts

"Sure, be over in a few. Where are you at the farm?" I ask.

"In the wheat field" He responds.

I begin walking over to his house for the 3rd time today. I need a golf cart or something. I know the walk isn't long but I'm just lazy. When I get to the farm I walk through the wheat field until I see Sawyer sitting on a blanket in the middle of the grass with his guitar.

"Hey" I say.

Sawyer's POV

"Hey" I hear and look up. And see Ally walking towards her. Gosh I could get used to seeing her every day. It's like I have known her my whole life and we only met like a few days ago. I see her looking at me oddly and then she snaps her fingers in front of my face again and she says "What did I say, staring isn't polite!" She laughs.

"Sorry" I say as I feel my cheeks warm up. "It's a bad habit to break when you're the one I'm looking at" I laugh.

She laughs too "Okay whatever."

We played a few of her favorite songs, in which happen to be my favorite songs too. We played Man Of Constant Sorrow, Trouble, and Collide. After that we just looked at the stars.

"Wow the stars are beautiful" She says.

And without thinking I say "Not as beautiful as you."

She laughs "You're quite the charmer aren't you"

I just laugh. I didn't even mean to say that out loud. Embarrassed I stare at the stars.

"You know" She sighs "You're seriously the closest friend I've had in a few years"

"Seriously? I ask. I don't picture her as the kind of person that wouldn't have a ton of friends. She is pretty, funny, and talented.

"Yeah, I never really could have any close friends. Since my dad was an alcoholic we didn't have much money so I couldn't hang out anywhere that cost money. And no one could ever come over to my house you know because of my dad. So I just kind of sat at home and did nothing except play the guitar." She sighs. "But the only good thing about my dad being an alcoholic and having to move is meeting you."

My heart swelled as she said this. I don't know who her dad is but I already hate him with everything I am, I can't believe he was such a jerk to them.

I respond "I'm glad that out of anywhere you could have moved you moved to rural Upstate New York. Meeting you has been the highlight of my year."

She gasps "It's only the highlight of your year? I thought meeting me would be the highlight of your life." She laughs.

"Fine." I say rolling my eyes "Meeting you is the highlight of my life." I say laughing.

We talked for a few hours until Ally had to go because she didn't want her mom to freak out if she wasn't there when she woke up. I wouldn't blame her mom, after everything they have been through waking up to find someone missing would scare me to death. But I learned something for sure tonight. It's that I have completely fallen in love with Ally.

(A/N- Thank you so much for 100 reads! I will try to update as often as I can for you guys :D)

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