Burnt my tongue...will you kiss it better?

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A video is being recorded and you see Five fixing it straight.

 "There...we..go!" Five sits back in his seat. In the background you can see and tell that he is in Three's café. A drink and a croissant is placed infront of him.

 "Hello my lovely viewers! Today I am reviewing a drink and treat from Three's new cafe!" Five picks up the drink, "Here I have a normal cappuccino and-" he picks up a small bag, "a croissant." 

He opens the small bag and takes out the croissant. "Hmm..warm and soft.." He takes a bite, "mhm...nice and moist and flaky.." He turns his head to the left, "HEY! THIS TATSES REALLY GOOD!"

"Thanks!" A voice called out. It was Three. He is off camera but you can hear him cleaning dishes.

"Now to try the coffee." He pick up the coffee and takes a sip, only to immediately move it away from his mouth, coughing a bit. "F—k! That's hot...it's a good thing but damn!" He holds his mouth.

You see Three walking beside him looking worried, "You okay?! What's wrong?"

"I burnt my tongue from the coffee...the temperature is hot but the coffee tastes good.."

"Oh..okay...uh...anything I can do to help you feel better?" Three almost immediately regretted saying as he sees Five grining.

"Can you kiss it all better~?"

Three blushes and crosses his arms, turning away from Five so he doesn't see his cheeks getting red. "W-what the hell kind of question is that?!" You can't see him from the camera.

"Aww c'mon~ pleasssseee~!" Five uses his puppy dog eyes.

Three grumbles a bit before quickly turning around, and kisses Five on the lips. Five froze, eyes wide. Before Five could kiss back, Three pulls back and walks away fast, "Byeseeyoutomorrow-" You hear a door slam and Five flinching back to reality.

Five looks at the camera and sees it still recording. "Holy fuck...I got that all on camera..." Five touches his lips. He can still feel Three's lips on his. And he's pretty sure Three put his tongue in his mouth too. 

Five moves to the camera, "I'm not posting this on YouTube-" the camera shuts off and all you see is darkness.

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