❗️Dare thirdteen ❗️

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You stare in the full body mirror, contemplating

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You stare in the full body mirror, contemplating. You don't know if you look good in the clothes you're wearing. You feel...very...very self conscious about your body and looks. But..it was a dare, a good dare. You were sure you didn't have the courage to ask them on a date, a lit candle dinner date at that. You sigh, shaking your head. "I have ta go...can't back out now.." You step out of your room, downstairs, and open your door to see Three and Four, both holding flowers and it looks like Three was about to knock on the door. "Oh! Uh-! Hey honeys...uhm..how..how do I look..?"

Both of them stare at you in shock, their cheeks getting redder by the second.


Four shakes his head, "ah! Sorry...you look very beautiful~" he says with a sigh.

Three also recovers from his own shock, "And very handsome~"

"Aww~ uhm..are those flowers for me..?" You point at the flowers.

"Yup! All yours." Four hands you the flowers he was holding, so did Three.

"Awww~ thank you guys! You didn't have ta..."

"Oh no it's fine (Y/n)! We wanted to, we always want to make you happy. Isn't that right Three?"

Three blushes by being put on the spot, "Uh-! Yea! We always do."

"Let's go? Yea?" You suggest, hooking your arms into theirs, "Don't want to miss the reservation."

"Yea, let's." Three mutters out, his cheeks still lightly pink.

You chuckle, you love at how flirty Three can get but one word at him and he's the one blushing and stuttering.


You're all sitting at the table, you sweating bullets. You sort of got called at when entering the restaurant. Saying mean stuff about you and them. You wanted to rip their throats out but you held it in, Four and Three were there...you didn't want to ruin the date.

"You okay (Y/n)? You look nervous?" Four whispers, placing his hand on top of yours.

"I'm just...upset and nervous about this whole thing..."

"It's going to be okay, just don't pay them any attention okay?" Four smiles at you.

You smile back.

"Yea, don't let those losers tell you sh!t. They can go f—k themselves."

"Heheh..thank you boys..I don't know what I would do with out you.."

"Same here, sweetheart." Three says, leaning on the chair a bit.

A waiter came over to all of you, "Hello! I'm Alexis and I will be your waiter for tonight~! Let's start with drinks, yea?" She holds up a pen and notepad, ready to write down.

You all order your drinks. Three is having something with hard alcohol in it, Four order a fruity slushie with a bit of alcohol, You order (insert drink here).

She leaves with a 'it'll be with you in a minute!'

You smile, looking back at your lovely boyfriends, "Thank you guys...even if this is a dare...I'm loving this..maybe we can go on a non-dare date sometime..."

"I would love too~"

"So do I! I'll always make time for you, sweetie!" Four smiles at your redden face.

You definitely didn't expect them to call you nicknames...well you do to them so it was about time they started doing it too.

Your drinks arrive, Alexis sets them down and takes out the notepad and pen, "Okay, do you guys know what to order or do you need more time?"

"We're ready." Three says.

You however weren't, you speed read the menu a bit as Four and Three orders. You awkwardly chuckle and say your order with a sorry.

Alexis smiles kindly at you, "Oh no worries! It happens." She writes down your order and leaves.

"God that was embarrassing.." you cover your face.

"Hehehe, got too caught up with looking at me then the menu~?" Three grins.

You feel your cheeks warming up even more, "Honey no!"

"Hehehe, honey yes~" Three leans in, grabbing your hands and kisses the knuckles of them.

"Fuck...your gonna kill me one day Three.." You blush even more.

Four started to feel a bit left out so he got closer to you, grabbing your other hand, kissing it as well, "Don't leave me behind."

You blush even more, "Honeys please...we're in a public place..."

"And~? I don't see no one else up here.." Three grins.

You deadpan at him, "Keep that in your pants."

Three was a bit taken back, "No! I wouldn't do that out here!" He blushes, "I meant like kissing...not..just no."

You snicker, "oh well~ maybe later."

"Later?" Both Four and Three say, surprised.

"Yeah." You take a sip of your drink as Four and Three go back to their seats.

Your food orders arrive, Alexis places everything down with a smile, "Enjoy~!" And leaves.

You smile and begin to dig in as well as the other two SMG's.


After the food and drinks, you all decide to go home. You were riding on Three's back as the heels on your shoes were starting to hurt your heels. You snuggle against Three's neck, smiling, "I had a lot of fun boys, thank you."

Four chuckles a bit, "Your welcome Five. We'll do anything to make you happy."

"Yea! So don't let no one drag ya down. They can go fuck themselves."

"Heheh...thanks..you two are so..kind and sweet. I love you."

"We love you too (Y/n)~"

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