❗️ Ninth dare ❗️

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Five was minding his business, on his phone, looking bored. Just then, a piece of paper appeared in front of him, with two bells besides it.

"Huh?" Five picks the paper up.

Five grins evilly, "Hehehhahahahah!" He takes the bells and teleports to Four and Three

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Five grins evilly, "Hehehhahahahah!" He takes the bells and teleports to Four and Three.


"REVENGE BITCHES!" Five throws the bells at them. Four and Three weren't given enough time to dodge before getting hit with it, turning into the power up.

"Oh no..." Four feels himself. Fur. Blue fur and while tips. He's a cat...

"NOOOOO!!!" Three is freaking out and is embarrassed. His cat costume is (the fur) black with purple tips. "Fuck fuck fuck! Nope!" Three try's to escape my Five tackles him down.

"No no no~ you're not going anywhere~" Five grins above from him.

Three blushes, thinking about...other things... unable to move.

Five picks him up, brings him over to where Four is sitting and sat down. "Your both my pets now, just like what you did with me~"

Four and Three blushes. Five brought them closer to him and began to pet them. "Purr for me~"

That did something to them because the next hen happened and all you could hear was purring coming from both of them. Four's purr was soft and smooth. Three's was a bit more loud and rough.

Five smiles, enjoying the warmth and purrs. "Thanks Nashi_Atsuki for the dare, I love it~" he continued to pet them.

For the rest of the day Five took care of them, teasing them, and l̵͔̝̫̙͍͍̱͕͉͖̂͛̓͐̉̉o̷̧͎͒̂͒v̶̢̛̥͍̩̘̬̬̘̥͍́̎́̀͆̂̀̈́i̶̯̖͇̥̗̯̋̓͘͜n̷̢̹̙̞̱̩͆́͌͘͜ͅg̷̢̻͎̳͊̓͆̃͘͠  them.

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