What if...SMG4 and SMG3 meets Villian! SMG5

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(YO amber62077 ! this okay? It's not Hero! Six but it's something small.)

Three and Four both flop out of a portal.



"Four...get your fata$$ off me!" Three shoves Four off of him, caused Four to hit his head on the ground.

"Ouch! Dude! Jeez...why did you portal us.." he looks around and deadpans at Three, "Outside the showground?"

"I didn't portal us this time! That portal wasn't purple..it's was more like your color, but more darker."

"Ah...well," he stands up, "C'mon then, let's head inside."

"Fine with me." He stands up.

The both of them go inside the castle only to stop. "What..the f—k?" Four mutters.

The both of them stare at Five

SMG5 is wearing a coat, a dark periwinkle. A mask with a fake sharp, smiling teeth, boots, and glaring at the two.

They all stare at each other before he runs up to them and pins them down.

"WHO ARE YOU?! WHERE IS MY FOUR AND THREE?!" The person shouts.

"AH!!! Please don't hurt us we don't know how we got here please don't hurt us!!" Four shouts with his eyes closed.

"GET OFF US!" Three kicks the other Five away. They both of them stands up quickly. "I don't know what your problem is 'buddy' but you don't pin us down." He growls.

The other Five's eyes widen, as if he realizes what happen, "Ah...so 'that' happen..." the other Five relaxes.

Four relaxes aswell, Three was still tense and had his guard up.

"Okay...let's start with introductions. I'm SMG5, but guessing you guys have your own Five, call me...Maniac." The other- Maniac bows with a grin.

.... To be continued ...

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