❗️ First dare! ❗️

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Five hands Four and Three his pets: Good luck boys~! He teleports away before any of them could get a word out

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Five hands Four and Three his pets: Good luck boys~! He teleports away before any of them could get a word out.

Three grumbles: How hard could washing his kids be? I'll take eggcat, you take mini V.

Four: Uh...sure? But..we don't know what their usual bathtime routine is. What if they..

Three shuts him up: Oh shush! It can't be that hard...right?




It was hard. Both of the SMGs struggled with the kids and failed to clean them. So now they are being the ones cleaned, with clothes on...

Five, enters in the door way with bags from shopping, lifting up his sunglasses: Hey guys! I came back to see if you guys cleaned them ye- 

Five stops talking when he sees Four and Three in the bathtub, scowling, and Mini V and eggcat scrubbing their heads clean.

Five: Pff- let me guess, didn't go so well?

Four just looks away from Five, embarrassed. 

Three glares at Five: You knew this would happen. Didn't you?

Five grins: Maybe, maybe not. But it's cute to see you guys getting cleaned by my kids.

Both of the boy's cheeks flush with red. 

Five laughs and helps the boys out of the tub and cleaning the kids.

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