❗️ Dare Seventh ❗️

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Five was busy putting some stuff away when Mini V rolled up to him.

Five: Oh hey Mini Me! What's up?

Mini V waved a paper at his face.

Five: Mini me! Jesus!

Five stopped Mini V from waving and takes the paper.

Five stopped Mini V from waving and takes the paper

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Five looks at Mini V with horror.

Five: Mini me...how could you...

Mini V grins evilly.

Time skip brought to you by kidnapping Three and eggdog

You see Three tied up near an oven, looking bored. Five walks in with an eggdog.

Thee: So...why am I here and tied up?

Five doesn't say anything as he put the eggdog on the counter.

Three: Five? You good? Five?

Five takes out a pan and butter.

Three realizes what he was about to do

Three: No...

Five heat up the pan and melted the butter.

Three: No don't do it!

Five looks at him with regret: I'm sorry... 

He cracks the eggdog and the yolk and stuff are on the pan now, sizzling.


Five moving the pan a bit with tears streaming down his face but not showing much of anything else. Three looks at the scene with horror.

Three: how could you do this to me!

Five turns and looks at Three with a tight smile: I'm sorry Three, I was dared to do this. 

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