Random little thing

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Okay so! The second SMG5 belongs to Yurmyy023 , if you don't want you chacarter being used on this I will take this down and write it.

SMG5 meeting SMG5, owned by Yurmyy023

You teleport into a white abyss, confused, "Where the hell..?"

Suddenly, another person appears. They were dark-skinned with white spots on them. They were wearing almost the exact clothing that Five was.

"Huh? What? Where-" The other person looks around, their eyes eventually lands on you.

"Uhm..hi..?" You waves at them.

"O-oh! Uh- hey! Uhm...my name is SMG5..what's yours?" He says nervously.

"Heh, that's cool. My name is also SMG5, but I mostly get called Five, or my real name rarely."

"Oh! That's cool! Uhm...what is your real name then..?"

"It's...uh..it's (Y/n).." You clears his throat, "Sorry if I'm so...uh..nervous about telling you my name..I just..don't really get called by that any more, only by Four and Three...my Four and Three,"

"Oh! Are you guys boyfriends in your world?!" He looks at him with excitement.

You chuckles, "I am actually! It uh..it took a bit but we are together now."

"Hm..don't also have the...uh..'sickness' I have?"

"I'm sorry-what? 'Sickness'? What do you mean?" You look at him confused.

"Ah..well..at time for some reason I get..well..feral and I tend to attack without thinking.."

"Hm..well..just trust in your boyfriends, they'll help you just like mine!"

He chuckles, "Heh, thanks, you're very positive."

"That I am! I tend to try and look into the bright side than the dark side. I'm well too acquainted into the dark side."

"Oh...are you okay now..?"

You gives him a soft smile, "I am...sort of....i still have my issues but I'm working them out."

"Well..'trust your boyfriends, they'll help' right?"

You snorts, "PFFF- hehehehhahahah! Oh you cheeky motherfucker...yeah..right....tea party?"

He gets excited, "Yes please!"


Soon enough both of you were having a tea party, you were in a dress, the other SMG5 with a tuxedo on.

"More tea, Miss?" He held up a tea pot.

"Yes please, sir." You giggles.

Suddenly, SMR74 appears, grinning, "Are you guys having a tea party without me~? I feel hurt." He sighs dramatically, a hand on his heart.

Both you and the other Five looked confused.

"Uhm..who are you?" You asks.

"Oh dear me! I didn't introduce myself to you two! Well.. formally... I'm SMR74! And I want to...'hang out' with you two..join your tea party, in I can..?"

You were confused, and tensed. You felt like he knows this guy....but can't remember why.. or when..?

"Sure! You can join!" The other Five says with a smile.

74 grins, sitting down, "thank you dears~!"

Five snaps his fingers, 74's outfit suddenly gets change into a tuxedo too.

"Ooohh~ fancy~"

You sighs, making him a cup of tea, "one lumps, or two?"

He shakes his head, "nah nah nah, not lumps, BAGS."


74 takes out a bag of sugar and dumps it in his cup. The cup is overflowing with sugar.

Both of you two look at the cup and back at the grinning man, horrified.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" You shout, "I have as sweet tooth but come on....even that's too much.."

"Oh~ well I think it's perfect~" he summons a spoon and starts to stir the sugar in the tea.

"You need help..." The other Five mutters.

"You need to get going." 74 snaps his fingers and the other Five disappears.


"Oh shut up, bye bye~" he takes the cup and disappears, leaving You alone to clean up the tea party.

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