Haunted House..?

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Second part to: Haunted Castle

When Three got home the sun has already risen and it's close to 7am. Three heads to his computer, starts a stream and waits for viewers to log in. Three walks away from the computer after putting a sign that says, 'be right back scrubs!'. Three starts fiddling with the hat he got from the castle. For some reason his eyes always stay at the logo on the hat.

"S..S..? What does 'S' stand for...?" Three mutters. Three looks at the screen and sees a good bunch of people are in. So he walks up to the computer, removes the sign, and waves at his viewers.

 "Hey scrubs! So you remember the last dare? The one about the haunted castle and coming back with something from there? Well-" He brings the hat out, "I have proof! I found this hat on a bed from there. I say it's pretty good proof huh?" He grins at the camera.

The chat was going wild. Some don't believe him due to how good of the condition the hat is, though, lots of his viewers believe that he did since he near lies. 

"It's true! I have went there and recovered this hat. It's in pretty good condition if I say so myself! Hm...should I put it on?" He ask the viewers. A bunch of them says yes and a bunch says no, but Three chooses the 'yes!'.

 "Here we go!" He takes off his hat and places the hat on him. He doesn't feel any different. "Ha! Nothing happened! You guys worried over nothing!"

"Oh thank goodness..." somebody sighed.

"Wha-?! Who's there?!" Three shouts as he turns around. He doesn't see anyone. "Hm...maybe I was just hearing things..." he turns back around to his camera. On the chat people were asking him why he shouted out of no where, is he okay, or did anyone break in. 

"Calm down chat. I'm fine, eggdog would've barked like hell if anyone broke in." He try's to calm his chat down but the chat did let go. "Jeez chat, listen I'm tried, I didn't get much sleep last night. Or should I say none. I'm gonna end the stream early. Seeya later scrubs!" He ends the stream and sighs. 

All of a sudden he feels cold again. "Oh shit...did taking the hat cause my house to be haunted?" He mutters.

"No, you took my hat. I'm connected to it so where ever my hat is, I'm there."

Three freezes and slowly turns around. Behind him he sees the blue ghost again, though he looks a lot more solid than translucent. Three can tell he has messy dark brown hair, white overalls, blue long sleeve shirt, and brown boots. He has a dark spot right where his heart is.

"What the hell?! How can I see you clearly?! Why are you in my house?!" Three backs away from the ghost, bumping his back against the desk.

"Woah woah woah! Don't panic please! I'm SMG4. And the reason you can see me better is because you're wearing my hat. What ever item you wear or hold in your hand/s you can the owner of the said item or clothing." The ghost- SMG4...explained, "and I'm here because, like I said before, you have my hat. Where ever my hat is, I'm there."

Three rips the hat off of him, SMG4 disappears from sight.

"I need sleep..." Three mutters to, hopefully, himself. He places the hat next to him on the bed side table as he enters his bedroom. He changes into comfortable clothes and lays in his bed. Eggdog curls up to his owner chest and falls asleep. Three chuckles a bit before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

"What do I do, Mario? I can't leave his house. I'm stuck here just as I was stuck in the castle...at least it's a change in scenery."

"Give him-a time! He'll warm up to-a you!"

"I hope you're right Mario..." Four watches as the person in purple sleep. He didn't really say his name so he does know what to call him. He just hope that he'll feel better when he awakes.

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