▪︎T▪︎S▪︎ 🥰💢 Coming Home.

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¤ Taylor Swift × Fem Reader
¤ "I'm okay."
¤ Fluff, Angst

You and Taylor had been dating for about four years now. You met at her 2015 fourth of July party and had been in contact since.

You got called in for a three months mission at the military shortly after she had been out of the public eye a few months.

You spoke as much as possible, but she still missed you, and you really missed her. Luckily, you could get off earlier. The mission was a success, and you were sent home right away.

Andrea had happily picked you up at the airport, and with a grin in her face, she drove you home to your and Taylor's shared home.

She asked about your time away and caught you up to date on most things happening, which you were grateful for even if you knew Taylor would be doing the same.

Your mom passed late in 2017, and Andrea has been like a mother to you. You often called her and had coffee dates with her just spending time together.

When you arrived home, Andrea got out and hugged you, welcoming you home, and she accidentally knocked your cap off, and she gasped seeing the stitches in your hairline.

"Sweetie." Her eyes filled with concern as she cupped your cheek to get a closer look. You smiled softly and held her wrist gently. "I'm okay, Mama A." You assured her, and she smiled at you, but you could still see her worry.

"Tay will be worried." She said what you were both thinking. "That's why I'll tell her tonight when we can lay in bed and relax." You said, and she smiled.

"We missed you. I missed you." She pulled you into a hug, and this one felt more urgent. You knew Andrea was thinking of all the worst things that could have warranted the stitches. "I missed you all." You let her hold you as long as she needed.

After a few minutes, she pulled out of the hug, wiping her tears, and you handed her a tissue from the car, and she let out a teary laugh.

Caught up in the emotions of it all, Andrea forgot to inform you about the cameras, but she had mentioned that they started filming the documentary that week.

You entered the house and got greeted by the new kitten you knew was Benjamin. Taylor had called you gushing over the kitten, and you encouraged her to take him, which she happily did.

Then Dibbles and Meredith came to greet you. You heard Taylor talking in the living room, so you made your way there.

You stopped when you saw the crew filling up your house and wanted to step away to give Taylor her privacy, but the moment she saw you, she was on her feet running to you.

Seeing her so excited to see you had you opening your arms and grinning at her.

The impact she hit you with after leaping into your arms made you take a step back, but you kept steady as she wrapped her legs around your waist, arms around your neck as she kissed you feverishly.

You returned the kiss, and she lingered before pulling away cupping your cheek and looking at you with darting eyes that ook every part of you in.

"My love." She whispered in disbelief, and you smiled up at her. "My angel." You chuckled when she pecked your lips, then your nose, then your cheeks and forehead.

"Sorry for interrupting." You apologised, and she shook her head. "You didn't." You could read the room and knew it was an interruption, yet Taylor didn't see it that way. She never did.

You slowly lowered her to the floor so she could stand, and you smiled when she adjusted your cap back to its rightful position.

"I missed you." She wrapped her arms around your waist, hiding her face in your neck, and you smiled, resting your chin on her shoulder, hugging her close to you.

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