Chapter 1: Beware Of Catnap

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(Authors POV)

The next morning came, and Y/n soon woke up, fully rested and is ready for a brand-new day and had a really fun time with CatNap in Dreamland and the two of them became best friend since that night.

Y/n also got to keep CatNap as a gift from the scientist since Y/n did him a favor and CatNap has been greenlighted for production as Y/n began playing with CatNap throughout the whole day and brings her whenever he goes, which also made everyone feel jealous of Y/n having a toy like CatNap as his own friend, despite of how creepy she looks, she became one of the most popular toys in the company.

Y/n didn't mind sharing CatNap with the other kids, but sometimes without his knowledge, CatNap has been somehow appeared next to Y/n from time to time and giving the other kids an odd look as if she was watching their every move to keep Y/n safe and happy like an overprotective father figure.

It's almost like CatNap has been hovering around Y/n ever since he got the plush toy from the scientist and CatNap just doesn't want to let Y/n out of her sights and will not be afraid to get her paws dirty on someone that will give her best friend a really hard time.

Then without warning, Billy Mason approached Y/n as he is about to bully him once again.

Y/n: What do you want now, Mason?

Billy Mason: What does it look like, twerp. Give me your lunch and no one gets hurt.

Y/n: No! You got your own lunch, so why don't you eat your own lunch and leave me and my best friend alone. I'll tell one of the caretakers on you if you try anything that you'll regret.

Billy Mason: No way, idiot. If you're gonna keep that stupid doll on you at all times, you ain't telling nobody. I hate snitches and snitches gets stitches!

Theodore: Leave him alone, Billy. He's had enough of you and your constant bullying! Just leave him and his friend alone or you're not gonna be able to stay in this orphanage any longer.

Theodore, one of the kids in the Orphanage tried to stand up to Billy Mason and stop him from bullying Y/n and steal his lunch as he hates to see Y/n had to deal with as well as everyone here at Playtime Co. But Billy Mason doesn't listen to Theodore's warnings and thinks he's the boss of these kids and the king of the Orphanage, which is not true at all.

Billy Mason: Yeah, so what? Those stupid caretakers don't have the guts to stop me. I'm king in this castle and I can do whatever I want.

Then suddenly, he punched Y/n square in the face, giving him a black eye and stole most of his lunch and a cupcake that Y/n was gonna have for desert as Billy started laughing triumphantly while Y/n started crying on the floor in pain.

Theodore: Y/n! Are you okay?

Y/n: (Sniffling) Yeah...I'm fine.

Theodore: I'll go get the nurse to treat your black eye. That Mason is so rude. He shouldn't be in this orphanage anyway.

Theodore then went out of the lunchroom to go find the nurse while Y/n grabbed CatNap from the floor and hugged it in his arms, not noticing that CatNap's happy expression and smile on its face shifted to more of a frown and an angry expression on its face as she was not happy with what Billy Mason did to her own best friend.

She decided to teach him a lesson that he'll never forget when everyone including Y/n goes to sleep at night.

Then somewhere in the security room of the factory, we see two security guards and the CEOs of Playtime Co and Pryton Industries, Parker who watches the whole thing that happened to Y/n in the lunchroom. This will be the last time Billy Mason will ever bully Y/n or any other kid in the Orphanage.

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