Chapter 13: Escape From Home Sweet (Part 2)

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(Authors POV)

Inside of Y/n's dream, Y/n found himself in the old orphanage once again and in the lunchroom no less. Then he spotted a PB&J sandwich on a nearby table with a note that says: "I made this PB&J sandwich just for you - Love PiggyPicky"

Y/n: Huh...I didn't know that she made a PB&J sandwich just for me. PB&Js are her favorite snack. (Looks at the sandwich) Wait a second...something's not right.

Y/n took a closer look at the PB&J sandwich and takes a sniffs at the sandwich, it smelled exactly like Peanut Butter and Jelly, but he just doesn't understand its just laying there.

Y/n: Ehh....I think I'll pass on the PB&J...might be a trap. I best throw it out.

???: You're gonna throw that PB&J sandwich away that I made for you? I thought we were friends, Y/n.

Y/n: Huh?

He then turns around to see PickyPiggy look away from Y/n and facing the wall in front of her, but for some strange reason, her whole body was more bigger instead of her natural kid size body.

Y/n: PickyPiggy? How long have you been standing there?

PickyPiggy: Oh, not too long, just wanted to see you enjoy eating that PB&J Sandwich that I made for you, but now you're throwing it away, after all the good times we had together and eating and sharing our favorite snacks. How could you do that to me, Y/n?

Y/n: I-I'm sorry, PickyPiggy. I didn't know that you felt that way and you made this for me, but I just had a bad feeling about this PB&J because it looked like the peanut butter could be a trap or poisoned. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings like that, PickyPiggy. We can always make more PB&J sandwiches together, if that's ok with you.

PickyPiggy: Oh, don't worry. I forgive you, Y/n, but you're still gonna eat that PB&J sandwich I made for you and if you're planning to throw it away... I'll just make you eat it!

Then PickyPiggy turned her head to look at Y/n as her eyes looks similar to catnaps, her zipper was down that showed razor sharp teeth on the end of each side and had pink tentacles coming out of her mouth as this made Y/n's blood run cold.

Then PickyPiggy turned her head to look at Y/n as her eyes looks similar to catnaps, her zipper was down that showed razor sharp teeth on the end of each side and had pink tentacles coming out of her mouth as this made Y/n's blood run cold

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Y/n: Oh my God! What the heck happen to you, PickyPiggy?! why do you look like a monstorus verison of yourself?!?

PickyPiggy: Oh, it's nothing, except after you got adopted and left us for over 10 years, and our dear catnap used a special type of her gas to give us these forms. But now that you came back to us, I think we're gonna celebrate your return after we make of us!

Y/n: Excuse me, WHAT?!

PickyPiggy then slowly stepped towards Y/n, but he decided to make a break for it through the exit doors to get away from her.

Y/n: No way! I'm sorry, PickyPiggy, but at this point of time, I'm going to have to reject your advances.

Y/n then makes a break for it to escape, however PickyPiggy tries to stop him, but failed due to how fast and strong Y/n was as he managed to get away from PickyPiggy that is now chasing after him. Luckily, Y/n managed to become the captain of his high school football team, which allowed Y/n to make a quick getaway.

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