Chapter 10: Welcome Home, Y/n...

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(Authors POV)

After Y/n was pushed into the Trash Compactor by Greg, he was knocked out unconscious after that long fall and he was soon woken up by the sound of someone trying to wake him up because he is about to be crushed by the trash compactor that is already starting to crush up the trash that they landed on after that long fall down the chute.

???: brother! Wake up! WAKE UP!

Y/n slowly opened up his eyes to find FrownyFox alive and is trying to warn him about what's happening right now.

Y/n: Huh? FrownyFox?

FrownyFox: big bro! There's no time to waste! We gotta get out of the trash compactor before we both turn into a trash cube!

Y/n: What? (Suddenly realized what he meant when he found himself in danger) Holy Trombones and pogo sticks! We gotta get out of here! But how do we get out of this trash compactor?!

FrownyFox: Look! (Points to the Grab-Pack nearby) Put on that Grab-Pack and see if you can use it to get us both out of here!

Y/n: Ok! Got it!

Y/n then immediately grabbed the Grab-Pack and put it on as he tried to find something to get him and FrownyFox out of the trash compactor until he spotted a metal pole that he can get them both out of the trash compactor.

Y/n quickly used both hands to grab ahold of the metal pole and retracted the line of the hands that is pulling the two out of the trash compactor before they were crushed to death.

Y/n: phew, That was close.

FrownyFox: Yes, thank God, we made it out alive.

Y/n: Yeah, we sure did. Just let me get us to safety and we'll explain what's going on here.

FrownyFox: Ok.

Y/n then used the Grab-Pack to hop on a nearby ledge to safety to avoid falling back down to the trash compactor and then went through a few more parkour style obstacles before making it to another room to explain what's going on here.

Y/n: Ok. Now that we made it to a safe area, away from certain death, can you tell me what just happened and how are you alive?

FrownyFox: Well, you were pushed into the trash chute by your former friend, Greg and landed in the trash compactor of the Playtime Co. toy factory and as for me, I was brought to life after you repaired me and cleaned me up and since you have given me such kindness and generosity, I was given life and I'm so happy that you're still alive, brother.

Y/n: Why are you calling me brother, FrownyFox?

FrownyFox: I'm sorry if you didn't like it if I called you brother or big bro.

Y/n: No, it's fine. It's just weird that you started calling me those names.

FrownyFox: Well, you brought me into your home and made me look brand new, so I thought I would call you brother and big bro because you were like a sinling figure to me, and I have been secretly protecting you from danger and the bullies from the school you attended at, and I knew that those so-called friends of yours would do something stupid like that and we almost died from the trash compactor if that Grab-Pack didn't landed in the trash pile with us.

Y/n: Ok then. Well, now that we got out of that trash compactor, we should find a way out of here.

FrownyFox: Alright but be careful. There's no telling what kind of monsters lurk around here.

Y/n: Right. Let's get going.

So then, the two of them started making their way through the boiler room area along with using the Grab-Pack and doing some parkour skills to get through the many obstacles to find their way out of the factory, but they are completely unaware of someone watching over the two venturing through the boiler room area of the factory before going inside the vents and finds themselves in another room with a door that leads to the next room.

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